Member Review : 25-Jul-2004 00:00
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BattleMech: Thunderbolt TDR-5D
Rating: 3.50
Comment: This Thunderbolt is nasty. Removing the missle systems and MG's for the AC/10 gives it a harder punch. It loses it's support ability but gains more use in frontal assault and skirmishing roles. Also I would pair this mech with two TDR-5S Thunderbolts and a CPLT-C1 Catapult. I think they would work wonders together in a lance for fire support, assaults, skirmishing, and hole punching. It also has a good career in duels. I love your fluff and I think it gives it a depth that makes it easy to imagine this mech in the mech bays with the rest of them.
On a side note what does the Centurion's RAC look like? I may draw this one out.
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Member Review : 25-Jul-2004 00:00
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BattleMech: Rifleman RFL-9X3
Rating: 3.00
Comment: Hard hitting and with decent armor for a Rifleman. Heat dissipation is good but not good enough for the weapon systems. As a direct fire support mech this would work well. Can shoot the ER PPC's at longer ranges then switch over to the large lasers as target closes.
Though I wonder how the design would be affected if you swapped the two systems around. ER Large Lasers and PPCs. The heat would be more manageable and the two weapon's ranges would have a closer overlap. Just a thought.
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Member Review : 13-Jul-2004 00:00
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BattleMech: Victor VTR-10D
Rating: 4.50
Comment: Okay, admittedly I am a Victor fan. However who doesn't like the UAC/20? Well, there are those who are facing it who don't like it but hey...
Anyhoo, on a full tab from a standing position this Victor only goes up 5 heat. That's pretty easy to regulate. Also the SRM's are streak so it's pretty ammo friendly and the big UAC packs 6 tons of ammo!!! That's 15 rounds of ultra firing!! The ER medium lasers give it a somewhat longer reach than older models but it's still not far enough. This Victor also mounts 3 more tons of armor than the old one and without an XL engine to boot!
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Member Review : 11-Jul-2004 00:00
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BattleMech: Charger CGR-2A2
Rating: 0.50
Comment: I'm still not buying the whole RL's thing. This thing can do 55 damage in one salvo. But that's it, ONE salvo. After that it's an 80 ton medium laser holder. I could harass this thing with a Locust and have a really good chance of coming out on top.
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Member Review : 11-Jul-2004 00:00
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BattleMech: Hunchback HBK-5H
Rating: 2.00
Comment: Now I like the Hunchback. However, with the 4.5 tons they used on the RL's I would add more ammo and some maybe some jj's. I would use the RL's at close range when you get a good shot to use them. I'd use them to help make the AC ammo go farther.
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Member Review : 11-Jul-2004 00:00
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BattleMech: Enforcer III ENF-6T
Rating: 2.00
Comment: Umm....did I miss something? When did 16 shots with a Gauss Rifle become a stand alone weapon? When you run out of ammo, then what? You run away with the slightly improved speed you have. Armor's okay but drop the speed back down to 4/6/4 and either increase ammo or secondary weapons. Maybe some ES of FF too.
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Member Review : 25-Jun-2004 00:00
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BattleMech: Mercury MCY-98
Rating: 3.50
Comment: This is a good downgrade of a Star League design. The original Mercury was unveiled at the height of Star League technology. However that technology has since been lost. The loss of the MASC system and the Ferro Fibrous hurts the original design but has been offset by the addition of a ton of armor. The 2 medium and 2 small lasers give the Mercury a good weapons load for it's size and the 4 tons of armor is as good as or better than any 20-25 tonner in operation short of customs. It's speed is also as good as or better than any unit operating.
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Member Review : 20-Jun-2004 00:00
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BattleMech: Cossack C-SK1
Rating: 3.00
Comment: For a 20 tonner this thing is a brawler. With the SRM-6 and the medium laser as primary weapons, this unti can severly hurt even 30 ton mechs. The armor is average for it's size and the mobility is subpar for it's size. The jumpjets help offset both of these to a degree. How ever the pilot of this machine is going to be relying on his firepower to prevail in any engagement. The two small lasers provide a heat efficient back up weapon system as the 10 regular heatsinks are enugh to keep this running cool as long as you keep the movement down some.
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Member Review : 13-Jun-2004 00:00
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BattleMech: Enforcer ENF-1E
Rating: 4.00
Comment: First off, great fluff man!

While maintaining the same damage potential of the original Enforcer, this one increases the overall range. Also the removal off ammo dependance makes this mech a good choice for action behind enemy lines or where there is no reliable supply lines. While able to fire it's two main weapons without overheating, firing the secondary weapon and/or moving can cause some heat buildup that will have to be watched. The heatsink situation this machine incurs only adds to it's "realness" and helps bring it to life as opposed to just nembers on the screen.
I like it.
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Member Review : 12-Jun-2004 00:00
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BattleMech: Jack Rabbit JRT-1HT-1G
Rating: 3.00
Comment: I like the speed on this unit. Top speed of 200+kph and a jumping distance of 240m is nothing to laugh at. Especially when you are trying to peg it. However I would use this unit on more open terrain where the pilto can get a better performance out of his machine. A few of these combined with some hovertanks and we got a rumble happening.
The weapons are good enough for the speed of this unit and the armor is above average, heat isn't a problem even at full jump capacity. Just watch out for MASC failure....when it happens this'll look like a pod racer crash.
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