Member Review : 17-Jan-2004 00:00
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BattleMech: Warhammer WHM-9D
Rating: 2.50
Comment: I was impressed when I first saw this one. Then I looked more closely and didn't like what I saw.

The good:
Mobility: this is the Warhammer to slug it out at high speeds. It's even got 3 jump jets for a limited jump. That can come in handy in cluttered terrain.
The targeting computer is also a plus. That extra little bonus to hit is always nice. (But could those 4 tons have been put to better use in secondary weapons?)

The bad:
Firepower? Where are you? Total damage potential is only 30 - and you overheat by 4 to do it even if you don't move. In practice, you can consistently put out only 25 points of damage. Pretty low for a heavy.
The BV is too high for what you get. In fact, at 1841 it's one of the highest BV's of any IS heavy 'Mech. This means it's a poor choice to take along in a fight rated by BV. You can get more bang for the buck with a number of other designs.

The average:
While the mobility is good, it comes at the usual cost - an XL engine. Fortunately, the armor is as thick as is practical (one point of maximum).

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Member Review : 17-Jan-2004 00:00
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BattleMech: Valkyrie VLK-QD3
Rating: 2.00
Comment: I liked this one when I first looked at it - until I realized that it is distinctly under armed.

The good:
Survivability: speed on a standard engine. This baby can move the way a light 'Mech needs to in order to survive. Too bad it doesn't have that extra jump jet to make the 7 hex jump. Then the to-hits balance each other out at 3 (that is 3 penalty for you because you jumped and 3 bonus for you because you moved 7 hexes).
Heat management. Heat management is not a problem for many light 'Mechs. This one definitely
falls into that group. Jump 6 hexes, fire everything and stay cool.
The bad:
Firepower. 2 ERML's and an LRM5 just don't do it. This 'Mech tries to do too much and therefore fails. At range it can't do more than annoy. Up close it's not much better.

The average:
Armor is only average. It's about a ton off maximum - a ton you might find you need. Then again, if you keep moving fast, you're hard to hit making that armor a little bit less necessary.
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Member Review : 17-Jan-2004 00:00
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BattleMech: Thunder Hawk TDK-7X
Rating: 3.50
Comment: I've always liked this although I rarely use it.

The good:
This 'Mech is all about Gauss rifles. You can't cram more than 3 IS Gauss Rifles into a 'Mech and still have halfway decent armor and mobility. The ability to do 45 points of damage at long range is... nice :) The backup weapons are just right for this kind of beast as well: 4 medium lasers. Enough to provide decent firepower when those Gauss rifles start to find it difficult due to the minimum range. Still, it's better to keep your enemy at long range if possible.
It also has full armor to protect that vulnerable XL.

The bad:
Would you believe heat management? Yes, a modern assault 'Mech with single heat sinks. None of the weapons generate much heat, but without moving you can still overheat by 5. Oh well, I guess the heat problems keep the BV down to more acceptable levels.

The average:
Mobility - at 3/5 this won't win any races. That's standard for an assault.
Ammo - 16 rounds for each Gauss Rifle will get you through most matches. Just don't get involved in long range sniping matches with high to-hit numbers.
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Member Review : 17-Jan-2004 00:00
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BattleMech: Helios HEL-3D
Rating: 4.00
Comment: I've always liked this. Nice and solid.

The good:
Firepower: Plenty. It starts off at long lange with a Gauss Rifle with 2 tons of ammo. Then the 2 ER medium lasers chime in. Then, finally, the twin SRM6's come into action. A total of 41 probable points of damage. Not too shabby, to put it mildly.
What's more, it can still walk and keep all that cool.
Mobility - while not a fast mover, it does feature jump jets. It may just be me, but I've always been partial to jump jets.

The bad:
Armor - it's low at only 9 tons (144 pts.). Even one more ton would make a significant difference. Unfortunately, there is no place to take it from without compromising somewhere else.
Ammo - the Gauss Rifle is adequately equipped with 2 tons, but the twin SRM6's only share one ton between them. That'S not quite as bad as it sounds since with the low armor on this one you probably won't be around long enough to use much more if you try to go toe to toe from the front.

The average:
Suvivability - although armor is modest, it has that always valuable standard engine.
The BV is a tad higher than I would like, but it's probably a good deal. Neither too cheap nor too expensive. You get what you pay for.
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Member Review : 17-Jan-2004 00:00
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BattleMech: Marauder MAD-5L
Rating: 4.50
Comment: Deadly in skilled hands. Too bad it's a Cappy 'Mech.

The good:
It's hard to say where to begin.
Stealth armor - a wonderful item. Never get into long range duels with a stealth armored 'Mech. It will eat you alive. This one can fire twin ER large lasers all day with its stealth armor on. If it turns it off, it can switch in an ERPPC for an overheat of 3 (assuming no movement).
Should things get closer, it can run the overheat and and pick up on its triple strength myomer. Hope it doesn't manage to kick you when the TSM is on. If so, you may have just lost your leg.
Suvivability - 14 tons of standard armor (224 pts.) is close to max - and then it has a standard engine. It doesn't get much better.

The bad:
Yes, this 'Mech does have some bad features, namely, firepower. Total firepower is modest. Effective firepower is limited to 26 points of damage when the stealth armor is off and you're unwilling to overheat (which may not be the case since it has TSM).
Heat management can also be a bit of a pain if you want to keep the TSM running. It's possible, but you have to be careful to keep it at the sweet spot where the TSM is active and no other penalities apply.

The average:
Mobility, I guess. Until the TSM kicks in, this just has average mobility for a heavy. However, if you can keep the TSM in the sweet spot, you get above-average mobility. I could equally well list this under "The good".

All in all, the best of the Marauders.
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