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Artillery and Artillery Cannons
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The Artillery Cannons' Damage should be changed to match the Artillery Pieces' Damage.
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The Artillery Cannons' stats should be changed from what they are now, but I think matching their damage with the Artillery Pieces isn't necessarily the best choice.
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Total Votes : 7
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Alisa Wolfstein
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PostPosted: 12-May-2019 11:27    Post subject: Artillery and Artillery Cannons Reply to topic Reply with quote

So, I recently managed to get a hold of Tactical Operations and found that they have doubled the damage capacity of "standard" (High Explosive) Artillery Rounds. However, the Artillery Cannons (Snub-nose versions of their respective Artillery Piece counterparts) have the old damage, despite them using the same "standard" rounds, just with less propellant due to the comparatively short ranges. Surely the damage should be increased for the cannons too? I see them as underpowered otherwise.

Let me explain why I have reached this conclusion. Here are the stats for the Artillery Pieces:
Thumper Artillery Piece - 15/5 Damage, 15 Tons, 21 Boards Range.
Sniper Artillery Piece - 20/10 Damage, 20 tons, 18 Boards Range.
Long Tom Artillery Piece - 25/15/5 Damage, 30 Tons, 30 Boards Range.

And here are the stats for the Artillery Cannons:
Thumper Artillery Cannon - 5/2 Damage, 10 Tons, Long Range 14, Min Range 3.
Sniper Artillery Cannon - 10/5 Damage, 15 Tons, Long Range 12, Min Range 2.
Long Tom Artillery Cannon - 20/10 Damage, 20 Tons, Long Range 20, Min Range 4.

The Sniper Cannon does two-thirds the damage of the Thumper Artillery Piece with a fraction of the range - for the same weight. The Long Tom Cannon weighs the same and does the same damage as the Sniper Artillery Piece - but has a fraction of the range. For the same weight as a Thumper Cannon, you could have an LRM 20, which does significantly more damage over a longer range for less critical slots. For the same weight, would you rather have a Sniper Cannon or a Gauss Rifle? A Long Tom Cannon or an Improved Heavy Gauss, or even two ER PPCs and 6 Heat Sinks?

Yes, I do understand that the Artillery Cannons deal Area Damage, but how likely is it that the enemies will crowd tightly together so that the Cannons do enough damage to make their weight worthwhile - especially once they realise you're using one and spread out (if they have any game sense whatsoever).

Please speak your minds and present your view of the topic, I know I'm still relatively new to the game and that some of you have years of player experience. Am I right? If not, is there a better solution? I'd really appreciate your thoughts and opinions; and thanks for taking the time to read all of this!
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PostPosted: 15-May-2019 09:15    Post subject: Artillery and Artillery Cannons Reply to topic Reply with quote

I had to vote undecided because I've never actually used the artillery cannon in game. So I have no experience with which to base a decision off of.
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PostPosted: 16-May-2019 17:28    Post subject: Artillery and Artillery Cannons Reply to topic Reply with quote

Look at it this way. Artillery shells are not kept in a confined torso so they are longer carrying more explosive and more propellent. The ammunition carried in the torso of the mechs has to be smaller because the mech simply has less room in it. The smaller shells have to balance damage and range.

They are fine, no need to complicate things even more.

I voted disagree.
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Alisa Wolfstein
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PostPosted: 16-May-2019 19:00    Post subject: Re: Artillery and Artillery Cannons Reply to topic Reply with quote

Stinger wrote:
Look at it this way. Artillery shells are not kept in a confined torso so they are longer carrying more explosive and more propellent. The ammunition carried in the torso of the mechs has to be smaller because the mech simply has less room in it. The smaller shells have to balance damage and range.

They are fine, no need to complicate things even more.

I voted disagree.

I'm not completely sure what you're talking about with the confined torso stuff, but the two artillery subclasses have the same respective ammo per ton, so surely following this logic with less weight devoted to propellant they'd do more damage?
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Sir Henry
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PostPosted: 17-May-2019 06:46    Post subject: Artillery and Artillery Cannons Reply to topic Reply with quote

Snub nosed Artillery will always have less of a punch and less range than their long barreled siblings. It's Physics Jim!

The longer barrel keep the explosive pressure against the projectile for a longer time. It imparts more energy to the projectile. Ergo, longer range and more punch.
Sir Henry

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Sleeping Dragon
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PostPosted: 17-May-2019 17:53    Post subject: Artillery and Artillery Cannons Reply to topic Reply with quote

I think that artillery cannons might be using cluster ammunition, rather than standard arty HE, but it fires it over a flat arc with less powered round. Which could also be why the ammo is not interchageable between the types.
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Rudel Gurken
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PostPosted: 18-May-2019 04:07    Post subject: Re: Artillery and Artillery Cannons Reply to topic Reply with quote

Sir Henry wrote:
Snub nosed Artillery will always have less of a punch and less range than their long barreled siblings. It's Physics Jim!

The longer barrel keep the explosive pressure against the projectile for a longer time. It imparts more energy to the projectile. Ergo, longer range and more punch.

More range: yes. More damage: depends.
If the shell actually hits its target that would be right but especially artillery-shells do not do their damage by impacting but by the blast of the exploding shell (while the kinetic energy added by the longer barrel just goes into the ground).
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Rudel Gurken
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PostPosted: 18-May-2019 04:14    Post subject: Re: Artillery and Artillery Cannons Reply to topic Reply with quote

You can rationalise the lesser damage of the cannons by a smaller explosive filling. Just because of their much shorter range the smaller blast radius would reduce friendly fire.
Reality is where the Pizza-man comes from!'Gucken, petzen, verpissen!' (Look at it, squeal it, get the hell away from it!) – Motto of the recon troops'Artillery doesn´t know friend or foe! They only know worthwhile targets!‘ – Kuritan Infantrist
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Sleeping Dragon
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PostPosted: 19-May-2019 15:51    Post subject: Re: Artillery and Artillery Cannons Reply to topic Reply with quote

That's why I suggested that they might be using the cluster shells, which do have the same damage profile for the guns of the same name, but since they are fired as direct fire weapons they wouldn't get the attack from above advantage, makeing the artillery cannons in to massive scatter guns essentially.
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