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Templar OmniMech- A Clan One
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Clan Wolf
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Joined: 19-Sep-2003 00:00
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PostPosted: 23-Sep-2003 19:20    Post subject: Templar OmniMech- A Clan One Reply to topic Reply with quote

I know there is already an OmniMech called the Templar; however, I had this lying around for a while and never got around to writing it up. I didn’t feel like changing the name- and besides, it’s a Clan 'Mech. However, the other day I was reading some short stories about the Templar, and decided to put together some fluff for the 'Mech. As the fluff evolved, so did the 'Mech; I had planned it to be a Wolf-in-Exile machine, but flipping through the Warden Clans sourcebook I latched onto the idea of the Knights Templar surviving into the BattleTech future. So the 'Mech became a Cloud Cobra machine. First up is a section on the Cloud Cobra Knights Templar Cloister, and after that is the 'Mech itself. The bit about the Knights is long, so you might want to skip ahead to the 'Mech itself.

Information presented about the Templar below might be wrong. I am the first to admit that I know next to nothing about them, so please don’t go nit-picking.

Cloister: The Knights Templar

Originally formed in 1095 AD as the Order of Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ, Knights Templar were intended to serve as protection for pilgrims travelling in the Holy Land. The Order grew quickly over the following two centuries, becoming an almost-unrivalled financial and military power with strong ties to the realm of France and the Holy Church. All this was to come to a sudden and bloody end on October 13, 1307 (remembered even today as the ill-omened Black Friday) when the French King, Phillip, several times beholden to the Knights for political, military, and financial aid, captured every Knight Templar he could find and seized their assets. In the coming years, almost all the captured Knights were tortured to obtain false confessions or simply executed on suspicion of heresy.

However, a few Knights escaped the purge. Some traveled to Scotland, where they fought alongside Robert the Bruce; some joined other Knightly Orders, such as the Order of St. John or Teutonic Knights; some retired quietly and were rarely, if ever, heard from again.

Others remembered. Remembered who they were, remembered the history and traditions of their Order, and continued it in secret. Members of this “Shadow Order” of Templars continued to practice their beliefs in secret, working through various front organisations to further their cause- protecting the persecuted, protecting travelers, and bringing about the downfall of the unrighteous.

The Knights Templar continued in secret down through the centuries, and took an active part in interstellar travel; the Order provided some of the funding that paid for the Pathfinder project, and several Templar worked as security detail during mankind’s exploration of the stars. The Knights Templar also formed a small part of the legendary Royal Black Watch, the Northwind Highlanders, and other illustrious units that protected the Star League and First Lords. A few Templar also worked in the interstellar transport and banking cartels, aiding new colonies. During the Fall of Terra to the armies of Stefan Amaris, the Knights mobilised all their forces on Earth, mounting guerilla raids, and providing aid to other organisations resisting the Usurper. Knights Templar managed to obtain a few BattleMechs, and painted them in the ancient colours of their Order, fighting alongside the Royal Black Watch. In those bloody years, most of the remaining Templar died to protect Earth and the Star League.

When it came time for the Exodus, nearly all of the remaining Knights Templar decided to remain in the Inner Sphere, aiding in the rebuilding efforts of the Great Houses. However, some few elected to leave with General Kerensky, to protect the travelers and remove their destructive forces from the grip of the House Lords. The fate of those who remained behind is unknown to the Clans.

The Knights remained hidden during the Exodus, and were greatly saddened after Kerensky’s new civilisation fell to in-fighting. By this stage, only four Templar who had left on the Exodus remained, and because the four were such close-knit friends, Kerensky consigned them all to one Clan- the Cloud Cobras. The four warriors, Andrew de Molay (a descendant of the last Grandmaster of the Order), Graeme Janowski, Frederick Chaney, and Samuel Chrisholm, recruited a handful of Cloud Cobras to their Order as the Clan grew, and until recently, the Templar of Cloud Cobra always numbered four, whenever possible holding one of the original Bloodnames.

In the wake of the Smoke Jaguar Annihilation and subsequent Great Refusal, ripples spread throughout Clan Cloud Cobra. The more militant Cloisters- the Joisian and Ka’an Cloisters particularly- began to agitate, and the Tongo and Anasaz Cloisters were forced to take action to quell their ire. Seeing this disruption to their beloved Clan, the four Knights Templar of the agreed to once more bring their Order to light, as a force for stability in the uncertain times.

The current Grandmaster of the Order, Star Colonel Jacques de Molay, went to Khan Din Steiner’s quarters early on the sixth of October, 3068, and asked permission to form a new Cloister. de Molay had prepared extensive historical material and other documentation necessary to form a new Cloister; the Khan agreed, and one week later- on the 1,761st anniversary of the demise of the original Templar, the new Cloister opened for membership.

The Cloister’s numbers swelled quickly; younger Cloud Cobras were attracted to the new Cloister because it gave better opportunities for leadership than the older, more established Cloisters; older warriors could remember the exploits of the original Templar, trothkin of the de Molay, Janowski, Chaney, and Chisholm Houses wanted to honour their ancestors, Crusaders were enamoured of the Order’s military ethos, and Wardens were attracted to the Cloister’s history of protection. The Cloister has expanded to a membership of 228, and more applications for membership continue to arrive.

In the two years since the return of the Templar, they have taken an active part in the Clan’s politics, revitalising the Clan. The Templar were an important part of a delegation sent to another isolationist Clan, the Blood Spirits; after hearing of the rise of the Templar, the Diamond Sharks- mindful of the old Templar’s financial acumen- contacted the Cloister, and the Coyotes began gearing up for war from their ancient enemies, fearing the rise of the new Cloister would lead to other expansionist policies. The Clan Goliath Scorpion also sent a small delegation to meet with the Cloister, remembering the reputation the original Templar had for being historians and seekers of artifacts, and wanted to know the new Templar’s attitude to such things. The Knights welcomed the Scorpions; currently, two Templars are out aiding a Seeker expedition, and five Goliath Scorpions have been welcomed into the Cloister.

However, perhaps the most important action the Templar have undertaken is the development of a new, home-grown OmniMech. Given the low numbers of 'Mechs- particularly Omnis- in the AeroSpace Fighter- heavy Cloud Cobra Touman, this unusual step has ruffled several of the “older” Cloisters- particularly the Crusader-minded Ka’an. However, assurances that the new Templar OmniMech will be for the entire Touman, not just the Knights Templar, has gone some way to soothing them- as has the thought that, with a more 'Mech-heavy Touman, more Trials with other Clans will be made possible.

The leader of the Knights Templar is addressed, not as “Cloister ecKhan”, but as Grandmaster. Each Galaxy has a Preceptor who leads the Knights in the Galaxy; typically, the Preceptor is the highest-ranked Bloodnamed Knight, but some Star Colonels have turned down the post, fearing it would disrupt their command duties too much. In such situations, the Clan rank, rather than the Cloister rank, is always deferred to, but in Cloister ceremonies, the Preceptors technically hold higher rank. Members of the Cloister are addressed as “Supplicant” if seeking admission to the Order, “Acolyte” when being trained, and as “Sir” or “Knight” when a full member. The Grandmaster and his Preceptors are addressed by their rank.

In formal occasions, the Templar gather dressed in specially forged Titanamite plate armour, polished to a brilliant finish. Over this is a white surcoat and hooded, black cloak. The back of the cloak bears the Cloud Cobra insignia (or Goliath Scorpion, for the few warriors from that Clan). The white surcoat bears a red cross on the front, with a smaller cross on each shoulder. A sword-belt carrying a sheathed broadsword and a heater shield bearing House, Galaxy, or Clan crests may also be added. The Knights Templar wear a small, enameled badge of a red cross over a white background to display Cloister allegiance on their field uniforms; a red-and-white fourragere denotes membership of the Knights Templar on the dress uniform. There are no allegiance marks on the Cloud Cobra Ceremonial uniform. Members of the Cloister also paint a white shield bearing the red cross on the 'Mech’s left breast and shoulders.

The Knights Templar observe the same festival days as the rest of the Clan- Foundation Day, Exodus, etc, but also add their own gathering, called “The Fallen.” This occurs on the 13th of October, and serves as the anniversary of the Cloister’s creation, the fall of the original Templar, and a time to remember all those who have fallen in honourable battle to protect others. On this day, all Templar who can do so must gather in the Cloister’s headquarters in the city of New Jerusalem on Brim, for a few remembrance ceremonies and a general meeting, followed by a large feast. The Knights then maintain a vigil until dawn.

Despite their beginnings, being a Roman Catholic-or even Christian- is not a requirement for a Knight. All they must demonstrate is a strong sense of personal honour and a desire to defend the innocent. For this reason, rabid Crusaders are often turned away.

Knights Templar tend to be MechWarriors; few Elementals have joined the Cloister, and fewer still Pilots have joined. One must be a Warrior to qualify for membership in the Knights Templar; none of the lower Castes will ever be accepted into the Cloister.

Type: Templar
Technology Base: Clan Cloud Cobra, Frontline OmniMech.
Mass: 95 Tons
Chassis: KT Endo Steel
Power Plant: Heart of Fury 275
Cruising Speed: 32.4 kph
Maximum Speed: 54.0 kph
Jump Jets: None on base Chassis.
Armour: Cuirasse-12 Standard Armour.
46 Tons of Pod Space
Communications System: Sibilant Hiss XRC
Targeting and Tracking System: ViperFang Templar
Primary Manufacturer: Clan Cloud Cobra
Primary Factory: Brim


The Knights Templar unveiled plans for this new OmniMech in early 3070, petitioning the Clan Khan to produce the 'Mech. Since the Cloud Cobras field so few 'Mechs, to say nothing of Assault-Class OmniMechs, the Knights Templar were prepared for their request to be turned down; much to their surprise, however, Khan Din Steiner approved the petition and turned the plans over to the Technician caste, asking the Knights to liase with them on the project.

It was, in fact, the very lack of OmniMechs in the Cloud Cobra’s Touman that had prompted Din Steiner to accept the petition. Combat trials between Clans-with the notable exception of the similarly AeroSpace-fighter heavy Snow Ravens, tends to be between small 'Mech forces. Although the Cloud Cobras traditionally avoided conflicts with other Clans, the recent unsettlement caused by the power vacuum that the Crusader Clans have rushed to fill, the “Hellion’s Fury” campaign, and other incursions by other Clans into Cloud Cobra territories has prompted the Clan’s high officers to begin a programme of upgrading the Clan’s existing BattleMechs, and, wherever possible, updating to OmniMechs, which by their very nature make the Touman more flexible. The massive Templar, with almost half its tonnage devoted to weaponry, is the first step in this long process.

The Templar, in all of its configurations, is designed to serve as a stand-alone OmniMech. To this end, all variant configurations are armed with a variety of weapons that encompass all range barriers and fit the tactics of individual Cloud Cobras. However, some integration with the rest of the unit, and indeed Clan, was needed; to this end several of the variant configurations are equipped with Jump Jets for orbital drop operations. Following the lessons the Invading Clans learnt on Tukayyid, the Templar features primarily energy-based weapons, and in situations where ballistics are used, they are supplied with plentiful ammunition.


The Templar stands a full fifteen metres tall, larger than even the Summoner, and features a massive barrel chest, Endo Steel internal structure, and five-and-a-half inch thick diamond weave armour plating. The 'Mech has been moulded along lines that bring to mind the Scylla and Savage Coyote 'Mechs used by other Clans, with slightly rounded armour plating to deflect incoming shots. The legs are fitted with heavy-duty hydraulics, to protect the 95-tonner from the incredible structural stress caused by 90-metre jumps; all the actuator packages used on the Templar match those of the Clan’s other standard Assault 'Mech- the Executioner. The base chassis is fitted with three additional Heat Sinks; one integral to the 'Mech’s Engine; the other two placed in the 'Mech’s legs to provide additional venting capacity in water. Finally, the Templar is capable of moving at speeds up to 54 kph, the standard range encompassed by top-end Assault 'Mechs.

The Templar Prime is a melding of standard Clan Assault design doctrine and the Cloud Cobra’s unique, AeroSpace Fighter-heavy Touman. The 'Mech is armed with dual ER Large Lasers over ER Medium Lasers in the arms, with a third ER Medium mounted in the 'Mech’s chest. These weapons provide exceptional ranged combat capabilities balanced with heat and damage ratios. These weapons are supported by a pair of Medium Pulse Lasers, mounted on either side of the torso. An ATM-9 mounted in the Right Torso provides the 'Mech with a highly flexible and effective attack weapon; the 'Mech’s ammunition bins hold a ton of each ammunition type. As a necessary concession to the nature of the Cloud Cobra Touman, the Templar carries a LB-10X “Shotgun” in a specially-designed housing on its left shoulder. The weapon’s mounting allows the LB Cannon to be elevated to target directly above the 'Mech and can traverse a 90-degree arc in front of the 'Mech, allowing for anti-aircraft attacks. Finally, the Templar is equipped with three Jump Jets, facilitating the 'Mech with the ability to engage in orbital assaults and move through rough terrain with ease. However, a low number of additional Heat Sinks does leave this 'Mech prone to overheating in extended engagements; pilots must take care when firing.

Alternate Configuration A sees the 'Mech equipped to take the fight to its enemies. Once again, dual ER Large Lasers over ER Medium Lasers form the backbone of the 'Mech’s firepower. However, this time the lasers are surrounded by the launch tubes of a Streak SRM-6, each with a plentiful 15 reloads. Each torso is home to an Artemis-guided LRM-15, each launcher supplied for 16 firings. Below these launch pods are a pair of Medium Pulse Lasers, allowing the Templar to savage opponents who get too close and decimate opposing Elementals. Although again lacking sufficient Heat Sinks to make an “Alpha Strike”, a little heat management allows the Templar A to dish out an incredible volume of fire.

Configuration B is a dedicated anti-Aircraft machine suitable for guarding important emplacements. Dual LB-10X A/Cs with three 10-round Drum clips are mated in simple, turret-like assemblies to either side of the 'Mech, in place of its arms. An Artemis-Guided LRM-15 in each torso, in turret assemblies similar to that of the LB Cannon found on the Templar Prime provides additional suppression fire. Finally, a trio of Medium Pulse Lasers and a single ER Medium Laser for purely self-defensive purposes can be found in the 'Mech’s torsos. Despite a surfeit of Heat Sinks on this model, its mission profile and weapons loadout makes it the least popular of the configurations; its specialised role limits its usefulness in other situations. However, it is anticipated to become be a favourite for warriors that must fight an AeroSpace fighter during combat trials, hunt infantry in close environment, or face fleet light 'Mechs.

The Templar’s C configuration is loaded out for extended missions where resupply may be a problem. Dual PPCs with six Medium Pulse Lasers, all tied to a large and highly-sophisticated Targeting Computer, provide the 'Mech with a devastating barrage of firepower. The 'Mech is filled to the brim with additional heat sinks; however, not even the twenty-four Double Heat Sinks mounted in the 'Mech can protect a pilot from dangerous heat spikes. This configuration, too, is fitted with Jump Jets, making it a favourite for urban brawls and other locations calling for maneuverability and high-volume, sustained firepower.

Configuration D is a highly adaptable command-style 'Mech. Dual ER PPCs, a trio of ER Medium Lasers, paired Artemis-guided LRM-15s, and dual Medium Pulse Lasers give the 'Mech the ability to fight effectively no matter the range, and the three Jump Jets the 'Mech mounts allows it great tactical flexibility. This variant was also fitted with EW pods, one ECM Suite, and one Active Probe, somewhat unusual equipment on a Clan 'Mech, to say nothing of an assault-class OmniMech. Even more unusual is the placement of the two pods, in blisters that ride on the OmniMech’s shoulders. Though this system is more vulnerable to damage than the usual torso-mounted pods, it has been found that, for whatever idiosyncratic reason, this placement improves their function on the Templar. Although the presence of the ECM Suite has lead to some pilots shunning this version as dishonourable, other warriors have taken to the 'Mech because it can defeat enemy targeting devices and spot enemies more easily than the other configurations. Three Jump Jets are mounted in the torso superstructure, but again a lack of Heat Sinks means pilots must take care with their weapons fire.

Configuration E is an all-out brawler model, designed for situations like the Grand Melee where finesse and skill take a backseat to sheer firepower. Each arm holds a Heavy Large Laser over a Heavy Medium Laser, providing exceptional short-range firepower. These formidable energy cannons are backed up by an incredible eight Medium Pulse Lasers and a pair of Streak SRM-4s. Although the 'Mech lacks long-range weaponry, the wall of fire it can unleash at mid-to-short ranges will leave any opposing 'Mech a simple pile of molten slag. Three Jump Jets were added for ease of movement; a large heat sink array was added to compensate for the weapon’s heat. However, the 'Mech is still only capable of dissipating less than half the heat it generates. Surprisingly, though, this variant has become the most popular of the alternate configurations, even though its battlefield use is perhaps the most limited of the series.


Members of the Templar Cloister are clamouring for assignment to a Templar, but the upper command echelon is ensuring that the 'Mech is being distributed fairly amongst the Cloisters to avoid political friction. The first Templar produced was assigned to the Grandmaster of the order, Star Colonel Jacques de Molay. So far, about thirty Templar have been produced; the Clan intends to deploy fifty in this run. They will wait for two or three years for observation before an upgrade series and a new production run.

Impressed by the number of energy weapons on the Templar and the accuracy of its ViperFang targeting computer, Clan Goliath Scorpion has bought a Trial of Possession for the 'Mech, which they lost. The Cloud Cobras have made a trade term for the design specifications; the Scorpion leadership is debating the offer now. Copies of the design have been made available to the Star Adders.


Jacques de Molay, Grandmaster of the Knights Templar, is the most notable MechWarrior assigned to the Templar. Jacques was a solid, if uninspiring, young MechWarrior who won promotion to active duty and later front-line status through sheer willpower and hard work. This approach to life bought him to the attention of the Knights of his time, and when one of their member died, Jacques was elevated to the Order. The other three members exerted political pressure, bringing him to light to the members of his Blood House in the Clan; when the next Trial of Bloodright began, Jacques was sponsored for entry. After winning his Bloodname, and with the influence of the other Knights, Jacques began his rise through the ranks. Now a fifty-eight year-old man, Jacques is the commander of the new, and elite, 121st Cobra Guards, based on Brim.


Thanks to it standard fusion engine, the Templar requires substantially less materials to build than any other high-end Assault 'Mech- about half those required to construct a Dire Wolf, for all that the Templar is only a few tons lighter and, in many cases, actually outperforms the 'Mech.


Yes, well. It was and idea I’ve had for a while and I was looking for a way to get out of studying. So I put it together with some fluff and modified a few configurations to give them more of a Cobra feel.

When I built this, I tried to give it a bit more of a FASA…FanPro, whatever…more “real” feel to it by mixing and matching the weapons into different range groups and making heat management more of an issue than any of my other designs. Used correctly, the Templar will offer something for every situation; unwisely, and you’ve got a lifespan more usually associated with insects flying over a trout pond at dusk.

The Jump Jets were not a plan at the outset, but with the weapons systems of some configurations, it seemed a natural progression. The sheer surprise factor of a 90+ Ton 'Mech being able to Jump goes some way to mitigating the mass of the systems.

Of course, the downside to all this power is the Templar’s massive cost in BVs. It usually hovers around the 3,000-mark, so be *REALLY* sure you want one…


Engine: 16.5
Gyro: 3
Cockpit: 3
Endo Steel: 5
Armour: 18.5
3 Additional Double Heat Sinks: 3
Pod Space: 46 Tons


Walking MP: 3
Running MP: 5

Total Heat Sinks: 13 (26) on base Chassis.

Notes: OmniMech; uses Double Heat Sinks


Head: 9
Centre Torso: 45/15
Left/Right Torsos: 30/10
Arms: 32
Legs: 40


Base Chassis: 1,078

Prime: 2,595
A: 2,451
B: 2,224
C: 3,280
D: 2,992
E: 2,156



1 Endo Steel- Head
2 Endo Steel- Each Arm
1 Endo Steel- Each Side Torso
1 Double Heat Sink- Each Leg


2 Double Heat Sinks, 1 ER Large Laser, 1 ER Medium Laser (Lower Arm Actuator present)- Right Arm
1 Double Heat Sink, 1 ER Large Laser, 1 ER Medium Laser (Lower Arm Actuator present)- Left Arm
1 Double Heat Sink, 1 Jump Jet, 1 LB-10X A/C, 1 Medium Pulse Laser, 2 Tons LB-X Ammunition- Left Torso
1 Double Heat Sink, 1 Jump Jet, 1 ATM-9, 1 Medium Pulse Laser, 3 Tons ATM Ammunition- Right Torso
1 Jump Jet, 1 ER Medium Laser- Centre Torso


1 Double Heat Sink, 1 ER Large Laser, 1 ER Medium Laser, 1 Streak SRM-6, 1 ton Streak SRM Ammunition (Lower Arm Actuator present)- Each Arm
2 Double Heat Sinks, 1 LRM-15, Artemis IV, 2 Medium Pulse Lasers, 2 Tons LRM Ammunition- Each Side Torso
1 Double Heat Sink- Centre Torso


1 LB-10X A/C, 3 Tons LB-10X Ammunition- Each Arm (No Lower Arm/ Hand Actuators)
1 LRM-15, Artemis IV, 1 Medium Pulse Laser, 2 Tons LRM Ammunition- Each Side Torso
ER Medium Laser, Medium Pulse Laser- Centre Torso


3 Double Heat Sinks, 1 ER PPC (No Lower Arm/Hand Actuators)- Each Arm
3 Double Heat Sinks, 1 Jump Jet, 4 Medium Pulse Lasers- Left Torso
2 Double Heat Sinks, 1 Jump Jet, 1 Medium Pulse Laser, 5-Slot Targeting Computer- Right Torso
1 Jump Jet, 1 Medium Pulse Laser- Centre Torso


1 Double Heat Sink, 1 ER PPC, 1 ER Medium Laser, Active Probe (No Lower Arm/Hand Actuators)- Right Arm
1 Double Heat Sink, 1 ER PPC, 1 ER Medium Laser, ECM Suite (No Lower Arm/Hand Actuators)- Left Arm
2 Double Heat Sinks, 1 Jump Jet, 1 LRM-15, Artemis IV, 1 Medium Pulse Laser, 2 tons LRM Ammunition- Each Side Torso
1 Jump Jet, 1 ER Medium Laser- Centre Torso


1 Double Heat Sink, 1 Heavy Large Laser, 1 Heavy Medium Laser, 1 Medium Pulse Laser (No Lower Arm/Hand Actuators)- Each Arm
3 Double Heat Sinks, 1 Jump Jet, 2 Streak SRM-4s, 1 Medium Pulse Laser, 1 Ton Streak SRM Ammunition- Left Torso
3 Double Heat Sinks, 1 Jump Jet, 4 Medium Pulse Lasers- Right Torso
1 Jump Jet, 1 Medium Pulse Laser- Centre Torso

If anyone is interested, I am happy to e-mail this design in a TDB format.

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