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Draconis Combine

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PostPosted: 02-Aug-2004 03:16    Post subject: First mech of all time / Mech that fits you the best Reply to topic Reply with quote

SHD-2H Shadow Hawk 5/8/3

AC 5, LRM 5, SRM 2, Medium Laser, Mounted 9.5 tons of armour, and 12 single Heat sinks.

Nothing special but that was my first ride ever as a mechwarrior and I may not of been the smarted warrior around but its armour and weapons allowed me to learn slowly in the game I'd joined.

Mostly a heavy scout, light Line mech. Good overall design.

ASN-22 Assassin 7/11/5

LRM 5, 3 SRM 2s, Medium Laser, Mounts 5.5 tons of standard armour, Endo Steel, 10 Double Heat Sinks.

A solid bash and dash scout, armoured to provide an inclose fighting capability that can just strip most other light mechs in a round. Fast enough to annoy heavier mechs, but not really lethal against them unless they make a mistake.

Light Scout Hunter, part of the pack lance used to take out retreating mechs from the primary battle lines.


Personality, I'm a hit and run specialist in the heart. I hate getting tied down a location which is why the Assassin and its ilk are my rides of choice.

My head still tells me that solid battle mechs like the Shadow Hawks and Phoenix Hawks are the kind of machine you want on the battlefield. Nice solid machines, not too snazy.

The exact specs of the ASN-22 will appear in custom 40 tonners sooner or later.
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The Bloody Clans

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PostPosted: 02-Aug-2004 07:26    Post subject: RE: First mech of all time / Mech that fits you the best Reply to topic Reply with quote

My all time favorite mech is the PHX-D.. Just like the lines on the Robotech model.

In fact, I will often look for excuses to take a Pheonix Hawk just because they are fun to fly.

Second favorite is the Spider.


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Capellan Confederation

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PostPosted: 02-Aug-2004 07:52    Post subject: RE: First mech of all time / Mech that fits you the best Reply to topic Reply with quote

My first time 'Mech and still a favorite is the Enforcer. Straight up 3025 model. It takes a licking and keeps on ticking! And it can't just take the heat, it can dish it out!

In 3025, the combination of maneuverability, the immense amount (relatively) of armor, and the solid weaponry with equally long range is deadly. And then it comes with the sinks to sink that heat too!
Most other mediums are typically outgunned and out armored, and provided an ENF can keep them off his six, he'll usually win.

Some of my most fun games where taking a full lance of ENFs against another lance.

Sure, it's rear armor and ammo supply are a problem. *shrug* I personally get tired of playing around with "perfect" 'Mechs rather fast. I prefer to have to watch that key weakness to a design to make sure my opponent can't exploit it.

Another 3025 favorite is the Vindicator. I'm also partial to the Victor. And there's just nothing to pilotting an Awesome. Or facing one when you're pilotting Mediums or Lights! Talk about fear. =)

While the Vindi matches my preferred faction choice, the ENF and Victor sure don't!

I too prefer maneuverability combat, and enjoy playing with PXH's, Cicada's, Locusts and Spiders. ASN's are tough to use, although I love their maneuverability. I modded one to carry a LL in favor of the standard 3 weapons, and it became a true backstabber. Not a lot of mediums have 8 or more armor on their back. Nice!
Also partial to the Jenner, particularly the F model. But then, who isn't? Awesome design.

Clan wise, the design I'm really partial to is the Stormcrow.

I like playing around with other designs, IS and Clan, but no designs beyond the ones I just mentioned ever really left a similar impression on me. Combination of getting in to the game through the MW2 PC game, and the atmosphere created by the 4th edition boxed set. The art on those cutouts is awesome, IMHO, and in some cases makes a 'Mech look better than the TRO picture. IE, Trebuchet (love that round missile launcher) Zeus, and Hunchback.

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Draconis Combine

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PostPosted: 02-Aug-2004 09:56    Post subject: RE: First mech of all time / Mech that fits you the best Reply to topic Reply with quote

My first mech ever was the Dervish. I even won the battle!

Soon after that I discovered the great 3025 combo of an Atlas parked next to an Archer. Those 2 make a great team.

Festina Lente!
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Lyran Alliance

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PostPosted: 02-Aug-2004 13:21    Post subject: RE: First mech of all time / Mech that fits you the best Reply to topic Reply with quote

One of my favorite mediums is the humble 3025 Centurion. It's well armed and slow, perfect for filling out a lance. As long as you know where you're going with this machine it's devastating.

A favorite heavy? Gallowglas. Good mix of weapons, lots of armor and it looks good too.

So much depends on what you've got to work with anyway. Terrain, opposition, your own forces. My general rule is to build lances that perform well together. The mechs should have similar speeds and weapons for all ranges. That way I can use them to help each other in sensible ways.

The Assassin is useless to me, unless I've got another three units moving at such speeds in the same lance. The bunny-hopping mechs will be harder to hit than slow stuff, so the enemy kills the slow ones first. Bunnies can't help their slower comrades since they usually carry only light weaponry. A whole lance of bunnies, on the other hand...

A tree fall in the forest, and no one is around, and it hits a mime. Does anyone care?
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Draconis Combine

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PostPosted: 02-Aug-2004 14:06    Post subject: RE: First mech of all time / Mech that fits you the best Reply to topic Reply with quote

"run away run away!!!"

"Sir Robin go and change your armor"

Festina Lente!
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Federated Suns
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PostPosted: 02-Aug-2004 17:02    Post subject: RE: First mech of all time / Mech that fits you the best Reply to topic Reply with quote

My mech would be the Grasshopper, I can remember looking exploring the box set when i first started playing. Back then the only mechs i knew were the ones off the games. I saw the name grasshopper, and thought
must be a light, fast mech with good jump (like the locust)
When i saw it was 70tons i thought it was inaptly named. As it turned out i picked it at random in a starter game against my friend. He took the dear old Zeus,
As soon as i got to grips with the game i took a shine to the mech, i won the game with two well placed headshots from the large laser (and it seems to be a trend when i take her out)

Its funny how most people find their 'pet' mechs in the 3025 era, some of those guys were really quirky and unique. The addition of new equipment has made the game bland.

I too like the Enforcer, and my other favorite is the Renegade, it was a mech i specifically designed for me. Fits me perfectly, but it doesnt beat the grasshopper.

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Federated Suns

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PostPosted: 02-Aug-2004 22:49    Post subject: RE: First mech of all time / Mech that fits you the best Reply to topic Reply with quote

My first mech was a locust with a medium laser and two SRM 3s.

Odd combination, you say...

The box version of Battletech: The Crescent Hawks Inception had a poster in it of a big ugly Kurita mech (I've never figured out what it was) shooting at a Crescent Hawk Locust with a medium laser and two SRM 3 pods. You can count the tubes, there are 3 on each side.

I suspect my brother just gave me a locust with a medium laser and an SRM 6. Never mind, I was only 6 or 7.

My other brother picked a battlemaster. Needless to say, I didn't last long. I didn't learn my lesson either, but there was one time I managed to bring down the battlemaster with the locust.

Not that I get to do it very often, but I am a big fan of standoff range. So my favorite mechs tend to be of that type. I used the Dervish a few times and the Trebuchet (refered to lovingly (and ignorantly) as the Tray-Bucket).

I rarely get to fly the big guns, so Crusader, Archer, and Catapult don't get much use, but I do like the Archer.

No, most often I end up in the low end of medium (using the mechwarrior rules, since I am more of an RPG kind of guy anyway). The venerable, and much maligned, Whitworth is my normal ride.

I like the armor, I like the LRMs, and I like the medium lasers as a close in supporter. I consider it an exceptionally well balanced, if slow, medium support mech, and I have many fond memories.

I once jumped on top of a hill as a scout Wasp was about to break radio jamming range and plowed a row of LRMs into his back, blowing him up before he could get off a message. In close combat with a Hunchback, I took a AC 20 in the chest, and bleeding badly, still managed to jump over the hunchback's head, land behind him, and plow a salvoe of missiles (at far to close range) and lasers into his back. Blew a gasket myself, but I managed to weaken the hunchback enough that my lancemates could finish him. And with a spotter, he's even better.

I even designed an upgunned 45 ton version.

Ahh. Those were the days.


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Sir Henry
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PostPosted: 03-Aug-2004 06:30    Post subject: RE: First mech of all time / Mech that fits you the best Reply to topic Reply with quote

My first was a 3025 Battlemaster 1D.

Since then the Battlemaster works like a champ in every situation except water. I have fallen so often in and around water I don't even go near it, if I'm in one....

Sir Henry

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Blighted Sun Battalion
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PostPosted: 03-Aug-2004 16:29    Post subject: RE: First mech of all time / Mech that fits you the best Reply to topic Reply with quote

Oh, those first days of's like an old memory. I had gotten the box set at an old gaming store (which went out of business like 10 years ago). I had played the old comp game called MechWarrior which had 8 mechs in it and had a story line but you didn't have to follow it at all. You started with a damaged Jenner and some cash and you went to the local contract person and took a mission. You could negotiate your cash, cash up front, and salvage rights. There was also a Locust, Phoenix Hawk, Shadow Hawk, Rifleman, Warhammer, Marauder, and a Battlemaster. All were the standard canon designs. I regularly took down a lance of mechs with a locust while my 0-3 lancemates took most of the incoming fire. Was great fun and I think they should make a new one incorporating more designs.
Anyhoo.....the first mech I walked onto the field of battle was the Vulcan. Was a fun learning experience and my friend played a Panther. It was our first time playing. Next mech for me was a Firestarter. I used that for a while and switched to an Archer. I loved it and hardly played anything else. Was great fun back then. Saving up money to buy mini's or TRO's. Sharing playing time with B-Tech, D&D, Shadowrun, Palladium, Rifts, and Star Traveler ( if you can remember this one pat yourself on the back and stand over in the old fogey line with me).
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ex-Jade Falcon
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PostPosted: 03-Aug-2004 21:11    Post subject: RE: First mech of all time / Mech that fits you the best Reply to topic Reply with quote

My first ride was a Warhammer (the original design). I've still got a fondness for the design.

As for my favorite ride, I'll have to go with a Phoenix Hawk. There's pretty much nothing in the canon which is tougher to kill than a mobile Phoenix Hawk. If I run into heavy opposition with the 'mech, I'm still packing enough weapons and armor to make a good contribution, and as a recon 'mech the Phoenix Hawk is pretty much the best there is in it's speed class. Able to kill anything it can't outrun, and able to outrun anything it can't kill.

Other favorites include the Panther, Locust, Orion, T-bolt, Marauder, and Crusader.

Clan-wise I love the Thor, or Summoner as it's otherwise known. This is probably one of the most flexible 'mechs in existence; I can't think of a situation where a Thor would be a liability. Good firepower, and the manuverability to get it into play quickly. I'm also fond of the Dragonfly, although I usually like to mod it if I can. None of the canon configurations really tickles my fancy. The speed it's packing though more than makes up for any weapons deficiencies.

[ This Message was edited by: -Mud on 2004-08-03 21:19 ]
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Blighted Sun Battalion
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PostPosted: 03-Aug-2004 21:43    Post subject: RE: First mech of all time / Mech that fits you the best Reply to topic Reply with quote

My very first ride was a pheonix hawk.. used to be a Macross fanboy .

My all time favourite though is the Marauder.. i just think its mean.

I have to agree with Mud for the clans though, the Summoner is just incredibly versatile. Heavy Scout, Flanker, Fire Support, Line mech, whatever. I'm sure even Assault Stars can find a place for one somehow..
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ex-Jade Falcon
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PostPosted: 03-Aug-2004 22:10    Post subject: RE: First mech of all time / Mech that fits you the best Reply to topic Reply with quote

I like the one carrying an AC/20 for that particular job
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Sir Henry
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PostPosted: 04-Aug-2004 06:42    Post subject: RE: First mech of all time / Mech that fits you the best Reply to topic Reply with quote

I have Traveller in its original box. With it's original books and the first ship and Character I made for it.


On 2004-08-03 16:29, Seraph wrote:
Oh, those first days of's like an old memory. I had gotten the box set at an old gaming store (which went out of business like 10 years ago). I had played the old comp game called MechWarrior which had 8 mechs in it and had a story line but you didn't have to follow it at all. You started with a damaged Jenner and some cash and you went to the local contract person and took a mission. You could negotiate your cash, cash up front, and salvage rights. There was also a Locust, Phoenix Hawk, Shadow Hawk, Rifleman, Warhammer, Marauder, and a Battlemaster. All were the standard canon designs. I regularly took down a lance of mechs with a locust while my 0-3 lancemates took most of the incoming fire. Was great fun and I think they should make a new one incorporating more designs.
Anyhoo.....the first mech I walked onto the field of battle was the Vulcan. Was a fun learning experience and my friend played a Panther. It was our first time playing. Next mech for me was a Firestarter. I used that for a while and switched to an Archer. I loved it and hardly played anything else. Was great fun back then. Saving up money to buy mini's or TRO's. Sharing playing time with B-Tech, D&D, Shadowrun, Palladium, Rifts, and Star Traveler ( if you can remember this one pat yourself on the back and stand over in the old fogey line with me).

Sir Henry

A Dragon in the disguise of a bunny, is still a Dragon.
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Federated Suns
Leftenant Colonel
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PostPosted: 04-Aug-2004 07:17    Post subject: RE: First mech of all time / Mech that fits you the best Reply to topic Reply with quote

I gave you my first mech, the grasshopper, it is also one of my favorites,

But other favorites depending on the role have to be,

light, Panther or Valkyrie
medium, Enforcer, Centurion or Whitworth
Heavy, Avatar or grasshopper
Assault, Daishi or Battlemaster
Support, Catapault or Longbow (you can keep your Archers, i don't like em!)

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