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Thunder Muntions for the LRM
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Imperial Karagin Army
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PostPosted: 24-Dec-2006 21:16    Post subject: Thunder Muntions for the LRM Reply to topic Reply with quote

Okay, I was wondering how many folks have used these and in using them what kind of out come did they have on the battle you used them in?

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Blighted Sun Battalion
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PostPosted: 24-Dec-2006 21:24    Post subject: RE: Thunder Muntions for the LRM Reply to topic Reply with quote

I use them. They can be quite fun. Isn't that right ralgith? I seem to recall my lance of Salamanders doing quite a number on your custom units. 12 20-point minefields a round can box in most units on relatively small mapboards.

But other than that they can be used to put minefields down in places you are mostly sure your enemy will pass through. Just make sure you either have multiple ammo bins or your LRM isn't your primary weapon.

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Imperial Karagin Army
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PostPosted: 24-Dec-2006 21:57    Post subject: RE: Thunder Muntions for the LRM Reply to topic Reply with quote

So AMS and range didn't factor into your use of these?

Only the dead have seen the end of war. - Plato

"Wasted trip Man. Nobody said nuthin' about lockin' horns with no tigers." Oddball
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Mr. Referee
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PostPosted: 24-Dec-2006 22:12    Post subject: RE: Thunder Muntions for the LRM Reply to topic Reply with quote

I have used Thunder-Augmented and Thunder.

Thunder has an extremely limited use because of its limited coverage area.

Thunder-Aug is extremely useful since it covers a megahex. Less powerful per hex but more useful over all.

I like using Thunder-Aug against non-jumper mechs. Target their hex and now they gotta pass through a mine field next turn, lol.

And AMS has no effect on Thunder. Targets hexes not units.

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Clan Blood Spirit
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PostPosted: 25-Dec-2006 06:49    Post subject: RE: Thunder Muntions for the LRM Reply to topic Reply with quote


On 2006-12-24 21:16, Karagin wrote:
Okay, I was wondering how many folks have used these and in using them what kind of out come did they have on the battle you used them in?

They are great for campaigns and for large scale battles. I use them a ton and they are very good in funneling mechs into your prepared defenses as most players avoid them.

They are next to useless in duels.

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Draconis Combine

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PostPosted: 25-Dec-2006 16:21    Post subject: RE: Thunder Muntions for the LRM Reply to topic Reply with quote

Is this not moot since the new Total Warfare no longer has Thunder?

I checked and did not see it. May be blind. One of those items needed but for game play could be pain in the ass.

AWAD- Loved to Thunder and was banned from using it
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Clan Blood Spirit
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PostPosted: 25-Dec-2006 17:09    Post subject: RE: Thunder Muntions for the LRM Reply to topic Reply with quote


On 2006-12-25 16:21, AWAD wrote:
Is this not moot since the new Total Warfare no longer has Thunder?

I checked and did not see it. May be blind. One of those items needed but for game play could be pain in the ass.

AWAD- Loved to Thunder and was banned from using it

There's many things not in TW that will be in future volumes...

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Mr. Referee
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PostPosted: 25-Dec-2006 17:17    Post subject: RE: Thunder Muntions for the LRM Reply to topic Reply with quote


On 2006-12-25 16:21, AWAD wrote:
Is this not moot since the new Total Warfare no longer has Thunder?

I checked and did not see it. May be blind. One of those items needed but for game play could be pain in the ass.

AWAD- Loved to Thunder and was banned from using it

As Chihawk said.

The reason for exclusion from TW could simply be that Thunder will no longer be Tourny legal [balancing issues maybe.]

Or it can simply have been excluded do to page count. Who knows.

I will say that it is highly likely to be included in some future product because of its established nature at present. Odd to have rules for two lvl2 munitions [three with FASCAM] only to suddenly say that they are no longer usable. If they will be Tourny legal or not dunno.

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Imperial Karagin Army
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PostPosted: 25-Dec-2006 20:34    Post subject: RE: Thunder Muntions for the LRM Reply to topic Reply with quote

Given that we have 5 core rule books now for the game a lot of things are going to be in other much for ease of finding things...

Only the dead have seen the end of war. - Plato

"Wasted trip Man. Nobody said nuthin' about lockin' horns with no tigers." Oddball
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Blighted Sun Battalion
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PostPosted: 26-Dec-2006 20:57    Post subject: RE: Thunder Muntions for the LRM Reply to topic Reply with quote

range does but AMS does not. I fire at a specific hex, not at a unit. range and terrain and movement come into effect. if i missed then scatter rules take effect.

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Clan Star Adder
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PostPosted: 27-Dec-2006 18:30    Post subject: RE: Thunder Muntions for the LRM Reply to topic Reply with quote

Ive used them on occasion, mostly as 'No Trespassing' signs. Theyre great for denying a particular spot to an opponent. Of course, they can be a double edged sword. Your opponent cant get some mechs into that perfct snipers nest, but then, neither can you.

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Federated Suns

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PostPosted: 05-Jan-2007 20:13    Post subject: RE: Thunder Muntions for the LRM Reply to topic Reply with quote

I use them a lot, particularly on the modified Whitworth II I have in the TRO Custom Designs.

The famous use of them was in a campaign where my mechwarrior was in charge of a garrison on Port Arthur immediately after it was liberated.

A clan galaxy landed on the planet in an attempt to retake it and I was caught in the attack.

My lance fell back into "box canyon" and a few "desert hills" maps.

I lured the clanners into the canyon, and then jumped out, scattering Inferno and Thunder LRM mines into the mouth of the canyon. After six or seven hexes trying to get out, most of the clanners were disabled (legs blown off) and I was able to finish them off with conventional LRMs. (there were other mechs involved in the fight, but only the Whitworth was armed with the mines).

In open ground I use them to narrow areas, making it easy to get away, since the Whitworth has jumpjets. Obviously, it's less effective against jumping mechs.

Thunder (particularly the Inferno variants) are very good against vehicles, since they are an almost instant kill. Create a box of mines around the vehicles, and when they try to leave, they catch fire and the crews die a horrible painful death (that's actually the text in megamek, it's funny).

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Clan Nova Cat
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PostPosted: 07-Jan-2007 01:22    Post subject: RE: Thunder Muntions for the LRM Reply to topic Reply with quote

I used them if possible.I think they will work more
better if I can use extended range rule lvl3.
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