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What if 3025 revisions (work in progress)
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Mr. Referee
Mr. Referee

Joined: 04-Feb-2002 00:00
Posts: 5724
Location: United States
PostPosted: 24-Apr-2008 03:49    Post subject: What if 3025 revisions (work in progress) Reply to topic Reply with quote

Here is whats going to happen once i get the free time, i'm gonna use the new stuff from Tech Manuel to re-envision some or all of the original 3025 units. This is going to be my own little spin on the past vis a vis my own ideas.

Keep aware for when i start posting the designs.
one must work hard to cultivate the mind and body. and one must always cultivate the mind.

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Mr. Referee
Mr. Referee

Joined: 04-Feb-2002 00:00
Posts: 5724
Location: United States
PostPosted: 03-Jun-2008 23:19    Post subject: What if 3025 revisions (work in progress) Reply to topic Reply with quote

Here are some sample designs that have been redesigned using the list of equipment I have chosen on a what if basis. The list of items and more designs as well as fluff edits will come in the hopefully near future. lol.

I now present, House Kurita pre-release preview:

               BattleMech Technical Readout

Type/Model:    Jenner JR7-D-R
Tech:          Inner Sphere / 3025
Config:        Biped BattleMech
Rules:         Level 3, Custom design

Mass:          35 tons
Chassis:       Diplan Scout-A Standard
Power Plant:   245 Magna Fusion
Walking Speed: 75.6 km/h
Maximum Speed: 118.8 km/h
Jump Jets:     5 Smithson Lifters Standard Jump Jets
Jump Capacity: 150 meters
Armor Type:    Starshield Standard
  1 Thunderstroke SRM 4
  4 Argra 3L Medium Lasers
Manufacturer:  Diplan Mechyards
  Location:    Ozawa
Communications System:  Dawson III
Targeting & Tracking System:  Bk-309

    The Jenner is a relatively modern design, first constructed in 2784 by
Diplan Mechyards on Ozawa, under contract to House Kurita.  It was designed as
a fast, hit-and-run guerilla fighter.  With a maximum speed of 118.8
kilometers per hour and a jump capacity of 150 meters, it was hoped that this
'Mech would form the foundation for a new, highly mobile lance.
    The original Jenners mounted two Agra 27C medium lasers and a Diplan HD
large laser on a central turret, but this configuration could easily be
disarmed by a direct hit to the turret.  The medium lasers' targeting system
was also plagued with problems.  However, because the chassis and mobility
sub-systems performed well in trials, designers decided to refit the weapons
systems instead of scrapping the whole design.  The standard ten heat sinks
allowed the 'Mech to move swiftly and fire without overheating.
    The Jenner was then modified to its current configuration, mounting four
Argra 3L medium lasers, two per side, on directionally variable mountings.
The Argra 3L replaced the older 27C because it had a better spectral purity
and a more rugged focal system.
    The Thunderstroke SRM-4 was installed after additional testing showed the
need for increased short-range firepower.  The resulting 'Mech was the pride
of Kurita forces.  Designed and built at home, it was the optimum mix of
speed, jump capacity, and firepower.

    Among the fastest 'Mechs around, the Jenner packs good firepower at close
range.  Its optimum range is 30 to 90 meters, and its speed and jump
capability make it hard to hit.  The Jenner can move in quickly, make its
attack, and retreat before it can be seriously damaged.
    Because the Argra 3L medium lasers are the Jenner's main armament, the
'Mech can operate for long periods without running out of ammunition.  During
long engagements or on deep raids, the 25 reloads available to the
Thunderstroke SRM-4 could run out, and so this missile launcher is mostly used
for the coup de grace or to add extra hitting power in a difficult moment.
    Although the Jenner was designed as a close-range fighter, it lacks arms
for punching and other physical attacks.  The Jenner's designers felt that
because of the 'Mech's low tonnage, it would not be able to make efficient
physical attacks.  The Jenner has done well without them, except in
grab-and-run raids made on enemy supply depots.  During these, it lays down
covering fire to allow 'Mechs with hands to gather what they can.

==Battle History:==
    When Diplan Mechyards was completing the first Jenners in September 2784,
tensions were running high.  War seemed inevitable, more a question of when
than of if.  Minoru Kurita took a personal interest in the Jenner, calling it
the "first in a new line", and he ordered further design and development on
heavier 'Mechs with the Jenner's mobility.
    It was only fitting that Minoru Kurita's favored 'Mech should avenge his
assassination.  Waves of Jenners and other fast 'Mechs entered the cities to
carry out Jinjiro Kurita's directive to "bathe accursed Kentares in blood".
The Jenner earned itself a place as the standard light warhorse of the
Draconis Combine.
    Despite the outbreak of the First Succession War, construction continued
at Diplan until 2815, when a shortage of raw materials brought the assembly
lines to a halt.  However, Diplan continued to produce its 'Mech chassis.
    In 2832, production of Jenners resumed on Ozawa, and some 3,000 chassis
where shipped to a Diplan subsidiary on Luthien for final fittings and
assembly.  Although heavily damage by naval bombardment, the Diplan Luthien
Corporation retooled its remaining plants for Jenner assembly.  By 2830,
Diplan of Ozawa and Diplan Luthien had a combined annual output of 1350
    Throughout the Second Succession War, the Jenner continues the infamous
tradition begun during the Kentares Massacre.  Used singly or in groups, the
Jenner is often sent behind enemy lines to create confusion and havoc.  It was
during these terror raids that the other Houses first captured Jenners.
    By 2840, the Federated Suns and the Lyran Commonwealth both had a number
of operational Jenners.  By 2845, the Jenner was used by all the Successor
States, although it continues to be primarily a Kurita 'Mech.
    In 2847, elements of the Davion Heavy Guards, supplied with Jenners
painted in Draconis Combine colors, led a lightning strike against Ozawa,
gutting the Diplan Mechyards.  One year later, an unexplained explosion
destroyed the remaining assembly plant on Luthien, and Jenner production
    Realizing that manufacture of the Jenner was now impossible and yet
critically short of 'Mechs, Jinjiro Kurita ordered the Jenners to replace
light 'Mechs lost in battle.  The Jenner's infamy faded as its individuality
was absorbed among the various lancemates.
    Despite its fall in status, the Jenner is still a favorite 'Mech of the
Combine forces, and it is the most popular 'Mech in Kurita recon and light
attack lances.  Occasionally, it is still used as a raider, though this is
becoming more and more rare.

    None of the original prototype Jenners remains, but some without the
Thunderstroke SRM-4 still survive.  These are identical to the standard
Jenner, but are more heavily armored.

==Notable 'Mechs & MechWarriors:==
Sergeant James Green
    Green was famous as the man who led the death squads into the capitol of
Kentares.  Little is known about him except that he was fanatically loyal to
Kurita.  In memory of the Kentares Massacre, he painted his Jenner black and
red.  His 'Mech is still in service today, piloted by his direct descendant,
Hugo Green.

MechWarrior Karl Trochenski
    Karl captured the first operational Jenner for the Federated Suns in 2837.
  The duel left Trochenski's Ostsol a smoldering wreck, and he claimed the
less-damaged Jenner as a war prize.  Both he and his new 'Mech were lost soon
after in a skirmish on Benet III.

MechWarrior Grace Shiro
    A member of the Rasalhague Regulars, Grace is the youngest of five
siblings in the service of House Kurita.  She is known as a daring and skilled
Mechwarrior, fond of hunting larger 'Mechs.  Both she and her 'Mech have been
seriously wounded several times, but miraculously both have survived.  This
has earned her the nickname "Cat", though few would bet on how many lives she
has left.

Type/Model:    Jenner JR7-D-R
Mass:          35 tons

Equipment:                                 Crits    Mass
Int. Struct.:  58 pts Standard               0      3.50
Engine:        245 Fusion                    6     12.00
   Walking MP:   7
   Running MP:  11
   Jumping MP:   5
Heat Sinks:     10 Single                    1       .00
 (Heat Sink Loc: 1 RT)
Gyro:                                        4      3.00
Small Cockpit, Life Supt., Sensors:          4      2.00
Actuators: L: Sh+UA    R: Sh+UA             12       .00
Armor Factor:   72 pts Standard              0      4.50

                          Internal    Armor
                          Structure   Value
   Head:                      3          8     
   Center Torso:             11         10     
   Center Torso (Rear):                  4     
   L/R Side Torso:            8        8/8     
   L/R Side Torso (Rear):              4/4     
   L/R Arm:                   6        5/5     
   L/R Leg:                   8        8/8     

Weapons and Equipment    Loc  Heat  Ammo   Crits    Mass
1 SRM 4                  CT      3   25      2      3.00
  (Ammo Locations: 1 RT)
2 Medium Lasers          RA      6           2      2.00
2 Medium Lasers          LA      6           2      2.00
CASE Equipment:          RT                  1       .50
5 Standard Jump Jets:                        5      2.50
 (Jump Jet Loc: 2 LT, 2 RT, 1 CT)
TOTALS:                         15          39     35.00
Crits & Tons Left:                          39       .00

Calculated Factors:
Total Cost:        3,238,875 C-Bills
Battle Value 2:    878 (old BV = 684)
Cost per BV2:      3,688.92
Weapon Value:      316 / 316 (Ratio = .36 / .36)
Damage Factors:    SRDmg = 14;  MRDmg = 2;  LRDmg = 0
BattleForce2:      MP: 7,  Armor/Structure: 2/3
                   Damage PB/M/L: 3/2/-,  Overheat: 0
                   Class: ML;  Point Value: 9

               BattleMech Technical Readout
                     Custom* Weapons

Type/Model:    Panther PNT-9R-R
Tech:          Inner Sphere / 3025
Config:        Biped BattleMech
Rules:         Level 3, Custom design

Mass:          35 tons
Chassis:       Alshain 56-Carrier Standard
Power Plant:   140 Hermes Fusion
Walking Speed: 43.2 km/h
Maximum Speed: 64.8 km/h
Jump Jets:     4 Lexington Lifters Standard Jump Jets
Jump Capacity: 120 meters
Armor Type:    Maximillian 42 Standard
  1 Light PPC*
  3 Medium Lasers
  1 SRM 4
Manufacturer:  Alshain Weapons
  Location:    Alshain
Communications System:  Sipher CommCon CSU-4
Targeting & Tracking System:  Cat's Eyes 5

    Designed as a fire support vehicle for reconnaissance units, the prototype
Panther was first built for Star League during the closing years of the
Cameron dynasty. After being commissioned in 2739 to produce the 'Mech,
Alshain Weapons began immediate delivery of Panthers to League ground troops
fighting renegade bandits along the Periphery.
    The 'Mech's poor performance at the Battle of St. John in 2759 pointed out
both a flaw and a strength in it. The flaw was that the large laser carried in
the 'Mech's right hand lacked effective range and power. The strength was the
'Mech's basic hardiness. To improve this battleworthy machine's firepower,
Star League engineers replaced the large laser with a PPC.
    The Draconis Combine is the only Successor State that today uses the
Panther in any significant numbers. The current model, the 9R, is a compromise
developed by Combine engineers. Though lacking the original Panther's
sophistication, its systems are more adaptable to present-day factories.

    The Panther's main function is as fire support for light and fast-moving
light 'Mech units. It has played this role for almost 300 years, providing
covering fire for more mobile 'Mechs who are in mid-maneuver, whether toward
or away from the enemy.
    Its PPC is unusual for a 'Mech of its size. An extraordinary weapon, the
Lord's Light PPC combines the firepower of a standard PPC with the lightness
and flexibility of an arm-carried weapon. The weapon's designers only
partially solved the problem of reducing the number of coolant tubes needed to
pass from the 'Mech through access navels of the right hand and elbow into the
weapon, however. Many MechWarriors report that rugged use, such as
hand-to-hand combat or bashing buildings, often pinches off the coolant tubes
at the navel. This creates overheating, which in turn causes the weapon to
shut down. To meet this problem, three of the Panther's 13 heat sinks are
mounted directly on its right arm. Though these do provide extra cooling for
the PPC, the original problem remains.
    For close-in work, the Panther carries four SRM tubes with enough
ammunition for 25 shots. The reliable Telos system is placed in the 'Mech's
chest area, which ensures it good protection.
    It was discovered early in the Panther's career that it is well-suited to
the dirty tactics of city fighting. The nimble 'Mech easily moves through the
restricted spaces of a city, while its PPC gives it the chance of disabling
all but the heaviest 'Mechs with a few aimed shots. From rooftop ambushes to
muggings on dark streets, the Panther has gained quite a reputation. For its
city-fighting prowess, Lyran Commonwealth MechWarriors have nicknamed it "the
Alley Cat."
    What it cannot do, even in a city, is face a heavy 'Mech such as the
Warhammer or Zeus in a head-on engagement. Finding himself in that situation,
the Panther pilot must rely on good shooting and the 'Mech's superior mobility
to leave the field in one piece.

==Battle History:==
    As noted above, the Draconis Combine is the only Successor State deploying
the Panther in large numbers. This is because the Combine controls the only
working Panther factory, located on the temperate world of Alshain. Other
Successor States do still have a few Panthers, usually the 8Zs, but their
numbers are fast dwindling due to lack of parts.
    Though there have been many attempts to knock out the factory at Alshain,
the fact that it is housed in the bowels of a mountain makes it a tough
target. The factory is churning out Panthers for Kurita as fast as possible,
slowed down only by the delay in getting target computers delivered from clear
across the Combine.
    Kurita first used Panthers in a large-scale offensive action on the planet
Quentin during the First Succession War, and the action remains a model for
how the Combine employs the 'Mech. Once the Second Legion of Vega was
reorganized with Panthers as the mainstay of its light units, it was ordered
to assault the agricultural planet Quentin, owned by Duke Davion. Catching
Davion's 42nd Avalon Hussars off-guard, the Second Legion mauled them
severely. Though the Hussars' 'Mechs were generally heavier and had more
firepower, they could not react fast enough to the fleet-footed Panthers
firing heavy hits with their PPCs. The Hussars retreated, giving up the only
major city and spaceport on Quentin.
    The victory on Quentin paled in significance, however, when Minoru Kurita
was assassinated on Kentares IV at about the same time. To support his rage
against the people of Kentares, Jinjiro Kurita took troops and supplies away
from the Second Legion of Vega, and had them sent as reinforcements to the
Kentares front. In the meantime, the 42nd Avalon Hussars had been reinforced
by elements of the 4th Deneb Light Cavalry.
    Suddenly on the defensive, the Panthers of Kurita's Second Legion bore the
brunt of the Hussars' counterattack. From prepared positions in and around the
city, the Panthers held off an onslaught by Davion Warhammers and Marauders.
This delaying action, led by Captain Ted "Red Beard" Henry, created enormous
confusion in the Davion advance. His troops' actions allowed the safe
withdrawal of the Second Legion when it became apparent that there was no hope
of reinforcements.

    The PNT-8Z, the last of the Star League Panther designs, differs from the
9R only in its more advanced communications equipment and smaller fire-control

==Notable 'Mechs & MechWarriors:==
MechWarrior Melinda Carlyle
    As a member of Hansen's Roughriders, Carlyle's Panther is one of the few
seen outside the Combine. Painted a dull green with bright yellow stripes, her
'Mech, the Tooth-puller, is a well-known terror to the enemy.
    Melinda Carlyle is a loner whose one joy is deflating the large egos of
Combine MechWarriors who believe they are the only ones able to handle a
Panther. Upon sighting an enemy Panther, Carlyle will seek out and hunt him
down, even if it means leaving her post. Having reached the ripe old age of 47
years, she has proved who is the better Panther pilot more than a few times.

Colonel Richard Ahrmram
    As commander of the 3rd Proserpina Hussars, Colonel Ahrmram is entitled to
a heavier 'Mech more befitting his high rank. As the colonel is a
tradition-bound man whose blue and gold Panther, the Lord Yama, belonged to
his father, he sees no reason to give it up.
    If anyone ever worried whether Ahrmram would be able to keep up with the
flow of battle in such a small 'Mech, they don't any longer. It is the
colonel's command group that has to keep up with him as he jumps from front to
front keeping personal tabs on the battle and participating, if necessary.
More than once, Ahrmram's gunnery skill has helped turn the tide of battle.

Type/Model:    Panther PNT-9R-R
Mass:          35 tons

Equipment:                                 Crits    Mass
Int. Struct.:  58 pts Standard               0      3.50
Engine:        140 Fusion                    6      5.00
   Walking MP:   4
   Running MP:   6
   Jumping MP:   4
Heat Sinks:     13 Single                    8      3.00
 (Heat Sink Loc: 4 LT, 4 RT)
Gyro:                                        4      2.00
Cockpit, Life Supt., Sensors:                5      3.00
Actuators: L: Sh+UA+LA+H    R: Sh+UA+LA+H   16       .00
Armor Factor:  112 pts Standard              0      7.00

                          Internal    Armor
                          Structure   Value
   Head:                      3          9     
   Center Torso:             11         14     
   Center Torso (Rear):                  7     
   L/R Side Torso:            8      11/11     
   L/R Side Torso (Rear):              5/5     
   L/R Arm:                   6      11/11     
   L/R Leg:                   8      14/14     

Weapons and Equipment    Loc  Heat  Ammo   Crits    Mass
1 Light PPC*             RA      5           2      3.00
3 Medium Lasers          RT      9           3      3.00
1 SRM 4                  CT      3   25      2      3.00
  (Ammo Locations: 1 LT)
CASE Equipment:          LT                  1       .50
4 Standard Jump Jets:                        4      2.00
 (Jump Jet Loc: 2 LT, 2 RT)
TOTALS:                         17          51     35.00
Crits & Tons Left:                          27       .00

Calculated Factors:
Total Cost:        2,654,460 C-Bills
Battle Value 2:    879 (old BV = 723)
Cost per BV2:      3,019.86
Weapon Value:      498 / 498 (Ratio = .57 / .57)
Damage Factors:    SRDmg = 16;  MRDmg = 5;  LRDmg = 1
BattleForce2:      MP: 4J,  Armor/Structure: 3/3
                   Damage PB/M/L: 2/2/-,  Overheat: 1
                   Class: ML;  Point Value: 9

               BattleMech Technical Readout
                     Custom* Weapons

Type/Model:    Dragon DRG-1N-R
Tech:          Inner Sphere / 3025
Config:        Biped BattleMech
Rules:         Level 3, Custom design

Mass:          60 tons
Chassis:       Alshain Type 56-60H Standard
Power Plant:   300 Vlar Fusion
Walking Speed: 54.0 km/h
Maximum Speed: 86.4 km/h
Jump Jets:     None
Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor Type:    Starshield Standard
  1 Light PPC*
  2 Medium Lasers
  1 LRM 10
  1 SRM 4
Manufacturer:  Luthien Armor Works
  Location:    Luthien
Communications System:  Sipher CommSys 3
Targeting & Tracking System:  Eagle Eye SY10-10

     In the first years of the Kerensky Protectorate, the lackluster
performance of the aging SHD-1R Shadow Hawk against newer designs made
apparent the need to replace it. In a major contest, the Luthien Armor Works
submitted its Dragon design and promptly lost the contract to the upgraded
Shadow Hawk, the 2H.
     Amazed and angered, the owners of Luthien Armor Works went ahead with
production of a slightly less powerful Dragon. This design carried a Class 2
Victory autocannon on it right arm instead of the more powerful Imperator-A.
It was this Dragon design that House Kurita privately commissioned in 2754 as
the basis for the Combine's private army until the dissolution of Star

     With its high speed and better-than-average firepower, the Dragon is
intended as a close assault vehicle. In stagnant battles with little or no
movement, Kurita commanders often hold the Dragon in reserve until they
discover a weakness in the enemy line. They then further soften this weakness
with bombardment, troops, or tanks until a crack in the enemy line appears. At
this point, the Dragons are turned loose to rush through the gap and exploit
the advantage.
     The Dragon's design serves this purpose well. The 'Mech's overall squat
shape makes it both a small target for weapons and a difficult opponent to
knock to the ground in a brawl. The 'Mech's thick-armored torso, especially
its back, also gives the Dragon the ability to take punishment when surrounded
by the enemy, a common occurrence. Even the normally delicate autocannon is
placed within a thick protective sleeve that absorbs some of the shock when
the Dragon punches with that arm.
     Carrying 24 shots for the LRM system and a whopping 40 rounds for the
autocannon, the Dragon is amply supplied for sustained battles without
reloading. In the event a Dragon does run low on ammo, the medium left-arm
laser ensures that the MechWarrior will always have another weapon to fire.
The second laser also buys it the healthy respect of 'Mechs trying to approach
from rear.
     The efficiency of the design has one drawback, however. Some Dragon
pilots become so overconfident of their 'Mech that they often risk themselves
and their machines unnecessarily by confronting heavier opponents such as a
Zeus or a Warhammer. Some extra discipline usually cures surviving warriors of
this bad habit.
     The Dragon also proves itself useful defensively. With its large ammo
supply, it can lay down a good pattern of fire and hold a prepared position
against approaching 'Mechs.
     What the Dragon does not have are reliable hip actuators. The military
brass disregarded engineering reports calling for a heavier actuator design in
favor of a cheaper actuator made on nearby Luthien. As a result, the Dragon
can suffer from burned micro-bearings, requiring frequent overhauls of the hip

==Battle History:==
     As the Dragon is manufactured on Luthien, capital of the Draconis
Combine, the other Successor States can do little to halt its production. The
only factor that slows the output of this 'Mech design is the delay caused by
the need to import its chassis and com systems.
     A company of approaching Kurita Dragons is a common sight on Successor
State battlefields. The ruling Kurita family, especially the current lord
Takashi, has been reorganizing its regiments by replacing heavy 'Mechs like
Warhammers and BattleMasters with the more plentiful Dragons. The older 'Mechs
are then put together into separate units, which makes them easier to maintain
and more effective in battle.
     A battle fought as recently as 3013 illustrates the role the Dragon plays
in Lord Kurita's service. When House Steiner began to unearth large amounts of
high-grade diamonds essential for the manufacture of BattleMech armor on the
obscure Commonwealth world of Phalan, the Draconis brass decided to dispatch
the 9th regiment of the Rasalhague Regulars to the planet. Once there, they
were to search for and take the already-mined diamonds, then destroy the
mines. The Second Battalion, "Burton's Firebreathers", was composed entirely
of Dragons while the other two battalions were mostly light to medium 'Mechs.
     Unknown to the Kurita strategists, House Steiner's 22nd Skye Rangers were
also using Phalan for maneuvers. Though manned by green MechWarriors, most of
the regiment's 'Mechs were heavy Warhammers and Archers. Moreover, the
approach of the Rasalhague Regulars was tracked by Lyran picket satellites,
which gave the Rangers plenty of time to prepare. When the 9th regiment hit
the dirt in and around the city nearest Phalan's mines, the Rangers were able
immediately to repulse them. Then, in an assault on the mining camp, Kurita's
'Mechs were again rebuffed by a concerted effort of Lyran 'Mechs and local air
support. The Combine commanders quickly decided that the city, with its
warehouse filled with diamonds, was the Regulars' best bet.
     The attack resulted in a siege, with the young Rangers holding an island
in the middle of a lake where the planet's cache of diamonds was warehoused.
Luckily for the 9th regiment, the main bridge linking the island with the rest
of the city was still intact.
     They did not use the bridge, however. Perceiving a weakness on the far
side of the island, the Kurita first and third battalions launched a
diversionary attack using the bridge. In the meantime, Burton's Firebreathers
waded through the lake and blasted through a high concrete wall. The
Firebreathers were in and out with the diamonds before the Skye Rangers could
make an effective counter-attack.

     A major variant on the Dragon design, known as the Grand Dragon, has
appeared recently. Inspired by Takashi Kurita's desire for a more powerful
'Mech, Combine engineers have devised changes that make the Dragon an even
more fearsome opponent.
     Replacing the autocannon on the right arm is a Lord's Thunder PPC.
Another medium laser takes the space vacated by the autocannon ammo. In an
effort to compensate for the extra heat generated, two more heat sinks were
added. As the Grand Dragon has yet to be battle-tested, no one is certain of
how it will perform with the extra heat burden.

==Notable 'Mechs & MechWarriors:==
 Lieutenant Leon "The Orator" Gambetta
     As a lance commander in the elite 2nd Sword of Light Regiment, Gambetta's
reputation as a tactician has spread throughout the regiment. His 'Mech,
painted in city camouflage colors, is often assigned to lead the charge
against heavily fortified positions.
     That a MechWarrior who has led so many dangerous missions should live to
the age of 53 is unusual. That he should also be known as kind and
considerate, with great concern for his men, is even more unusual in these
dangerous times.

Type/Model:    Dragon DRG-1N-R
Mass:          60 tons

Equipment:                                 Crits    Mass
Int. Struct.:  99 pts Standard               0      6.00
Engine:        300 Fusion                    6     19.00
   Walking MP:   5
   Running MP:   8
   Jumping MP:   0
Heat Sinks:     11 Single                    0      1.00
Gyro:                                        4      3.00
Cockpit, Life Supt., Sensors:                5      3.00
Actuators: L: Sh+UA+LA    R: Sh+UA+LA       14       .00
Armor Factor:  200 pts Standard              0     12.50

                          Internal    Armor
                          Structure   Value
   Head:                      3          9     
   Center Torso:             20         29     
   Center Torso (Rear):                 10     
   L/R Side Torso:           14      21/21     
   L/R Side Torso (Rear):              7/7     
   L/R Arm:                  10      20/20     
   L/R Leg:                  14      28/28     

Weapons and Equipment    Loc  Heat  Ammo   Crits    Mass
1 Light PPC*             RA      5           2      3.00
1 Medium Laser           LA      3           1      1.00
1 Medium Laser           LT      3           1      1.00
1 LRM 10                 CT      4   24      4      7.00
  (Ammo Locations: 2 LT)
1 SRM 4                  HD      3   25      2      3.00
  (Ammo Locations: 1 LT)
CASE Equipment:          LT                  1       .50
TOTALS:                         18          40     60.00
Crits & Tons Left:                          38       .00

Calculated Factors:
Total Cost:        5,324,800 C-Bills
Battle Value 2:    1,398 (old BV = 1,089)
Cost per BV2:      3,808.87
Weapon Value:      887 / 887 (Ratio = .63 / .63)
Damage Factors:    SRDmg = 13;  MRDmg = 8;  LRDmg = 4
BattleForce2:      MP: 5,  Armor/Structure: 5/5
                   Damage PB/M/L: 2/2/1,  Overheat: 1
                   Class: MH;  Point Value: 14
                   Specials: if

               BattleMech Technical Readout

Type/Model:    Grand Dragon DRG-1G-R
Tech:          Inner Sphere / 3025
Config:        Biped BattleMech
Rules:         Level 3, Custom design

Mass:          60 tons
Chassis:       Alshain Type 56-60H Standard
Power Plant:   300 Vlar Fusion
Walking Speed: 54.0 km/h
Maximum Speed: 86.4 km/h
Jump Jets:     None
Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor Type:    Starshield Standard
  1 PPC
  2 Medium Lasers
  1 LRM 10
Manufacturer:  Luthien Armor Works
  Location:    Luthien
Communications System:  Sipher CommSys 3
Targeting & Tracking System:  Eagle Eye SY10-10

     In the first years of the Kerensky Protectorate, the lackluster
performance of the aging SHD-1R Shadow Hawk against newer designs made
apparent the need to replace it. In a major contest, the Luthien Armor Works
submitted its Dragon design and promptly lost the contract to the upgraded
Shadow Hawk, the 2H.
     Amazed and angered, the owners of Luthien Armor Works went ahead with
production of a slightly less powerful Dragon. This design carried a Class 2
Victory autocannon on it right arm instead of the more powerful Imperator-A.
It was this Dragon design that House Kurita privately commissioned in 2754 as
the basis for the Combine's private army until the dissolution of Star

     With its high speed and better-than-average firepower, the Dragon is
intended as a close assault vehicle. In stagnant battles with little or no
movement, Kurita commanders often hold the Dragon in reserve until they
discover a weakness in the enemy line. They then further soften this weakness
with bombardment, troops, or tanks until a crack in the enemy line appears. At
this point, the Dragons are turned loose to rush through the gap and exploit
the advantage.
     The Dragon's design serves this purpose well. The 'Mech's overall squat
shape makes it both a small target for weapons and a difficult opponent to
knock to the ground in a brawl. The 'Mech's thick-armored torso, especially
its back, also gives the Dragon the ability to take punishment when surrounded
by the enemy, a common occurrence. Even the normally delicate autocannon is
placed within a thick protective sleeve that absorbs some of the shock when
the Dragon punches with that arm.
     Carrying 24 shots for the LRM system and a whopping 40 rounds for the
autocannon, the Dragon is amply supplied for sustained battles without
reloading. In the event a Dragon does run low on ammo, the medium left-arm
laser ensures that the MechWarrior will always have another weapon to fire.
The second laser also buys it the healthy respect of 'Mechs trying to approach
from rear.
     The efficiency of the design has one drawback, however. Some Dragon
pilots become so overconfident of their 'Mech that they often risk themselves
and their machines unnecessarily by confronting heavier opponents such as a
Zeus or a Warhammer. Some extra discipline usually cures surviving warriors of
this bad habit.
     The Dragon also proves itself useful defensively. With its large ammo
supply, it can lay down a good pattern of fire and hold a prepared position
against approaching 'Mechs.
     What the Dragon does not have are reliable hip actuators. The military
brass disregarded engineering reports calling for a heavier actuator design in
favor of a cheaper actuator made on nearby Luthien. As a result, the Dragon
can suffer from burned micro-bearings, requiring frequent overhauls of the hip

==Battle History:==
     As the Dragon is manufactured on Luthien, capital of the Draconis
Combine, the other Successor States can do little to halt its production. The
only factor that slows the output of this 'Mech design is the delay caused by
the need to import its chassis and com systems.
     A company of approaching Kurita Dragons is a common sight on Successor
State battlefields. The ruling Kurita family, especially the current lord
Takashi, has been reorganizing its regiments by replacing heavy 'Mechs like
Warhammers and BattleMasters with the more plentiful Dragons. The older 'Mechs
are then put together into separate units, which makes them easier to maintain
and more effective in battle.
     A battle fought as recently as 3013 illustrates the role the Dragon plays
in Lord Kurita's service. When House Steiner began to unearth large amounts of
high-grade diamonds essential for the manufacture of BattleMech armor on the
obscure Commonwealth world of Phalan, the Draconis brass decided to dispatch
the 9th regiment of the Rasalhague Regulars to the planet. Once there, they
were to search for and take the already-mined diamonds, then destroy the
mines. The Second Battalion, "Burton's Firebreathers", was composed entirely
of Dragons while the other two battalions were mostly light to medium 'Mechs.
     Unknown to the Kurita strategists, House Steiner's 22nd Skye Rangers were
also using Phalan for maneuvers. Though manned by green MechWarriors, most of
the regiment's 'Mechs were heavy Warhammers and Archers. Moreover, the
approach of the Rasalhague Regulars was tracked by Lyran picket satellites,
which gave the Rangers plenty of time to prepare. When the 9th regiment hit
the dirt in and around the city nearest Phalan's mines, the Rangers were able
immediately to repulse them. Then, in an assault on the mining camp, Kurita's
'Mechs were again rebuffed by a concerted effort of Lyran 'Mechs and local air
support. The Combine commanders quickly decided that the city, with its
warehouse filled with diamonds, was the Regulars' best bet.
     The attack resulted in a siege, with the young Rangers holding an island
in the middle of a lake where the planet's cache of diamonds was warehoused.
Luckily for the 9th regiment, the main bridge linking the island with the rest
of the city was still intact.
     They did not use the bridge, however. Perceiving a weakness on the far
side of the island, the Kurita first and third battalions launched a
diversionary attack using the bridge. In the meantime, Burton's Firebreathers
waded through the lake and blasted through a high concrete wall. The
Firebreathers were in and out with the diamonds before the Skye Rangers could
make an effective counter-attack.

     A major variant on the Dragon design, known as the Grand Dragon, has
appeared recently. Inspired by Takashi Kurita's desire for a more powerful
'Mech, Combine engineers have devised changes that make the Dragon an even
more fearsome opponent.
     Replacing the autocannon on the right arm is a Lord's Thunder PPC.
Another medium laser takes the space vacated by the autocannon ammo. In an
effort to compensate for the extra heat generated, two more heat sinks were
added. As the Grand Dragon has yet to be battle-tested, no one is certain of
how it will perform with the extra heat burden.

==Notable 'Mechs & MechWarriors:==
 Lieutenant Leon "The Orator" Gambetta
     As a lance commander in the elite 2nd Sword of Light Regiment, Gambetta's
reputation as a tactician has spread throughout the regiment. His 'Mech,
painted in city camouflage colors, is often assigned to lead the charge
against heavily fortified positions.
     That a MechWarrior who has led so many dangerous missions should live to
the age of 53 is unusual. That he should also be known as kind and
considerate, with great concern for his men, is even more unusual in these
dangerous times.

Type/Model:    Grand Dragon DRG-1G-R
Mass:          60 tons

Equipment:                                 Crits    Mass
Int. Struct.:  99 pts Standard               0      6.00
Engine:        300 Fusion                    6     19.00
   Walking MP:   5
   Running MP:   8
   Jumping MP:   0
Heat Sinks:     12 Single                    0      2.00
Gyro:                                        4      3.00
Cockpit, Life Supt., Sensors:                5      3.00
Actuators: L: Sh+UA+LA    R: Sh+UA+LA       14       .00
Armor Factor:  168 pts Standard              0     10.50

                          Internal    Armor
                          Structure   Value
   Head:                      3          9     
   Center Torso:             20         27     
   Center Torso (Rear):                 12     
   L/R Side Torso:           14      20/20     
   L/R Side Torso (Rear):              8/8     
   L/R Arm:                  10      14/14     
   L/R Leg:                  14      18/18     

Weapons and Equipment    Loc  Heat  Ammo   Crits    Mass
1 PPC                    RA     10           3      7.00
1 Medium Laser           LA      3           1      1.00
1 Medium Laser           LT      3           1      1.00
1 LRM 10                 CT      4   24      4      7.00
  (Ammo Locations: 2 LT)
CASE Equipment:          LT                  1       .50
TOTALS:                         20          39     60.00
Crits & Tons Left:                          39       .00

Calculated Factors:
Total Cost:        5,236,800 C-Bills
Battle Value 2:    1,349 (old BV = 1,045)
Cost per BV2:      3,881.99
Weapon Value:      836 / 836 (Ratio = .62 / .62)
Damage Factors:    SRDmg = 12;  MRDmg = 9;  LRDmg = 4
BattleForce2:      MP: 5,  Armor/Structure: 4/5
                   Damage PB/M/L: 2/2/1,  Overheat: 1
                   Class: MH;  Point Value: 14

               BattleMech Technical Readout
                     Custom* Weapons

Type/Model:    Legendary Dragon DRG-1G-R
Tech:          Inner Sphere / 3025
Config:        Biped BattleMech
Rules:         Level 3, Custom design

Mass:          60 tons
Chassis:       Alshain Type 56-60H Standard
Power Plant:   240 Vlar Fusion
Walking Speed: 43.2 km/h
Maximum Speed: 64.8 km/h
Jump Jets:     None
Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor Type:    Starshield Standard
  1 Heavy PPC*
  3 Medium Lasers
  1 MRM 10
  1 Anti-Personnel Pod
Manufacturer:  Luthien Armor Works
  Location:    Luthien
Communications System:  Sipher CommSys 3
Targeting & Tracking System:  Eagle Eye SY10-10

     In the first years of the Kerensky Protectorate, the lackluster
performance of the aging SHD-1R Shadow Hawk against newer designs made
apparent the need to replace it. In a major contest, the Luthien Armor Works
submitted its Dragon design and promptly lost the contract to the upgraded
Shadow Hawk, the 2H.
     Amazed and angered, the owners of Luthien Armor Works went ahead with
production of a slightly less powerful Dragon. This design carried a Class 2
Victory autocannon on it right arm instead of the more powerful Imperator-A.
It was this Dragon design that House Kurita privately commissioned in 2754 as
the basis for the Combine's private army until the dissolution of Star

     With its high speed and better-than-average firepower, the Dragon is
intended as a close assault vehicle. In stagnant battles with little or no
movement, Kurita commanders often hold the Dragon in reserve until they
discover a weakness in the enemy line. They then further soften this weakness
with bombardment, troops, or tanks until a crack in the enemy line appears. At
this point, the Dragons are turned loose to rush through the gap and exploit
the advantage.
     The Dragon's design serves this purpose well. The 'Mech's overall squat
shape makes it both a small target for weapons and a difficult opponent to
knock to the ground in a brawl. The 'Mech's thick-armored torso, especially
its back, also gives the Dragon the ability to take punishment when surrounded
by the enemy, a common occurrence. Even the normally delicate autocannon is
placed within a thick protective sleeve that absorbs some of the shock when
the Dragon punches with that arm.
     Carrying 24 shots for the LRM system and a whopping 40 rounds for the
autocannon, the Dragon is amply supplied for sustained battles without
reloading. In the event a Dragon does run low on ammo, the medium left-arm
laser ensures that the MechWarrior will always have another weapon to fire.
The second laser also buys it the healthy respect of 'Mechs trying to approach
from rear.
     The efficiency of the design has one drawback, however. Some Dragon
pilots become so overconfident of their 'Mech that they often risk themselves
and their machines unnecessarily by confronting heavier opponents such as a
Zeus or a Warhammer. Some extra discipline usually cures surviving warriors of
this bad habit.
     The Dragon also proves itself useful defensively. With its large ammo
supply, it can lay down a good pattern of fire and hold a prepared position
against approaching 'Mechs.
     What the Dragon does not have are reliable hip actuators. The military
brass disregarded engineering reports calling for a heavier actuator design in
favor of a cheaper actuator made on nearby Luthien. As a result, the Dragon
can suffer from burned micro-bearings, requiring frequent overhauls of the hip

==Battle History:==
     As the Dragon is manufactured on Luthien, capital of the Draconis
Combine, the other Successor States can do little to halt its production. The
only factor that slows the output of this 'Mech design is the delay caused by
the need to import its chassis and com systems.
     A company of approaching Kurita Dragons is a common sight on Successor
State battlefields. The ruling Kurita family, especially the current lord
Takashi, has been reorganizing its regiments by replacing heavy 'Mechs like
Warhammers and BattleMasters with the more plentiful Dragons. The older 'Mechs
are then put together into separate units, which makes them easier to maintain
and more effective in battle.
     A battle fought as recently as 3013 illustrates the role the Dragon plays
in Lord Kurita's service. When House Steiner began to unearth large amounts of
high-grade diamonds essential for the manufacture of BattleMech armor on the
obscure Commonwealth world of Phalan, the Draconis brass decided to dispatch
the 9th regiment of the Rasalhague Regulars to the planet. Once there, they
were to search for and take the already-mined diamonds, then destroy the
mines. The Second Battalion, "Burton's Firebreathers", was composed entirely
of Dragons while the other two battalions were mostly light to medium 'Mechs.
     Unknown to the Kurita strategists, House Steiner's 22nd Skye Rangers were
also using Phalan for maneuvers. Though manned by green MechWarriors, most of
the regiment's 'Mechs were heavy Warhammers and Archers. Moreover, the
approach of the Rasalhague Regulars was tracked by Lyran picket satellites,
which gave the Rangers plenty of time to prepare. When the 9th regiment hit
the dirt in and around the city nearest Phalan's mines, the Rangers were able
immediately to repulse them. Then, in an assault on the mining camp, Kurita's
'Mechs were again rebuffed by a concerted effort of Lyran 'Mechs and local air
support. The Combine commanders quickly decided that the city, with its
warehouse filled with diamonds, was the Regulars' best bet.
     The attack resulted in a siege, with the young Rangers holding an island
in the middle of a lake where the planet's cache of diamonds was warehoused.
Luckily for the 9th regiment, the main bridge linking the island with the rest
of the city was still intact.
     They did not use the bridge, however. Perceiving a weakness on the far
side of the island, the Kurita first and third battalions launched a
diversionary attack using the bridge. In the meantime, Burton's Firebreathers
waded through the lake and blasted through a high concrete wall. The
Firebreathers were in and out with the diamonds before the Skye Rangers could
make an effective counter-attack.

     A major variant on the Dragon design, known as the Grand Dragon, has
appeared recently. Inspired by Takashi Kurita's desire for a more powerful
'Mech, Combine engineers have devised changes that make the Dragon an even
more fearsome opponent.
     Replacing the autocannon on the right arm is a Lord's Thunder PPC.
Another medium laser takes the space vacated by the autocannon ammo. In an
effort to compensate for the extra heat generated, two more heat sinks were
added. As the Grand Dragon has yet to be battle-tested, no one is certain of
how it will perform with the extra heat burden.

==Notable 'Mechs & MechWarriors:==
 Lieutenant Leon "The Orator" Gambetta
     As a lance commander in the elite 2nd Sword of Light Regiment, Gambetta's
reputation as a tactician has spread throughout the regiment. His 'Mech,
painted in city camouflage colors, is often assigned to lead the charge
against heavily fortified positions.
     That a MechWarrior who has led so many dangerous missions should live to
the age of 53 is unusual. That he should also be known as kind and
considerate, with great concern for his men, is even more unusual in these
dangerous times.

Type/Model:    Legendary Dragon DRG-1G-R
Mass:          60 tons

Equipment:                                 Crits    Mass
Int. Struct.:  99 pts Standard               0      6.00
Engine:        240 Fusion                    6     11.50
   Walking MP:   4
   Running MP:   6
   Jumping MP:   0
Heat Sinks:     17 Single                    8      7.00
 (Heat Sink Loc: 5 LT, 3 RT)
Gyro:                                        4      3.00
Small Cockpit, Life Supt., Sensors:          4      2.00
Actuators: L: Sh+UA+LA    R: Sh+UA+LA       14       .00
Armor Factor:  200 pts Standard              0     12.50

                          Internal    Armor
                          Structure   Value
   Head:                      3          9     
   Center Torso:             20         29     
   Center Torso (Rear):                 10     
   L/R Side Torso:           14      21/21     
   L/R Side Torso (Rear):              7/7     
   L/R Arm:                  10      20/20     
   L/R Leg:                  14      28/28     

Weapons and Equipment    Loc  Heat  Ammo   Crits    Mass
1 Heavy PPC*             RA     15           4     10.00
1 Medium Laser           LA      3           1      1.00
1 Medium Laser           RT      3           1      1.00
1 Medium Laser           LT      3           1      1.00
1 MRM 10                 CT      4   24      3      4.00
  (Ammo Locations: 1 LT)
1 Anti-Personnel Pod     LL      0           1       .50
CASE Equipment:          LT                  1       .50
TOTALS:                         28          48     60.00
Crits & Tons Left:                          30       .00

Calculated Factors:
Total Cost:        4,839,200 C-Bills
Battle Value 2:    1,341 (old BV = 1,052)
Cost per BV2:      3,608.65
Weapon Value:      1,204 / 1,204 (Ratio = .90 / .90)
Damage Factors:    SRDmg = 18;  MRDmg = 10;  LRDmg = 4
BattleForce2:      MP: 4,  Armor/Structure: 5/5
                   Damage PB/M/L: 3/2/1,  Overheat: 1
                   Class: MH;  Point Value: 13

one must work hard to cultivate the mind and body. and one must always cultivate the mind.

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