*Dead-Fish calmly walks out of the kitchen and pins another note neatly under the previous 2*
addendum To Cook\'s assistant position
in addition to ...
...just because im down a hole doesent mean im down and out
BattleTech Vehicle Technical Readout
Type/Model: Ant SB-MV067
Tech: Inner Sphere / ...
After realizing the horror that was soon to ensue Chihawk hears a noise coming from the Infamous freezer 5
“*Thump* *Thump* *Thump* Let me out!”
“*Thump* *Thump* *Thump* Let me out!”
“*Thu ...
Yes yes i'll start digging through the hundreds of back orders for food in a minuet, but first i must tell you what lives! for like the past 5 years ive been planning to build a computer, and in the l ...
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"When anger rises, think of the consequences." - Confucius