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Thug (Jörmungandr) THG-JMG
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Lyran Alliance
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Private, 1st Class

Joined: 08-Jun-2023 17:02
Posts: 41

PostPosted: 13-Jun-2024 22:11    Post subject: Thug (Jörmungandr) THG-JMG Reply to topic Reply with quote

TRO: Thug (Jörmungandr) THG-JMG
                 BattleMech Technical Readout

Name/Model:         Thug (Jörmungandr) THG-JMG
Designer:           Loki1789
Source(s):          Custom Mordel.Net Units
Technology:         Inner Sphere (Mixed)
Technology Rating:  F
Tonnage:            80
Role:               Brawler
Configuration:      Biped BattleMech
Era/Year:           Dark Age / 3150
Rules (Current):    Standard
Rules (Era):        Standard
Rules (Year):       Standard
Total Cost:         8,900,040 C-Bills
Battle Value:       2,125

Chassis:              Earthwerks VOL Endo Steel
Power Plant:          Pitban 320 
Walking Speed:        43.2 kph  
Maximum Speed:        64.8 kph  
Jump Jets:            None
    Jump Capacity:    None
Armor:                Mitchell Argon with CASE II
    1 Donal PPC
    1 Coventry Star-Fire LRM 15 w/ Artemis IV FCS
    4 Defiance C9M ER Medium Lasers (C)
Manufacturer:         Unknown
    Primary Factory:  Unknown
Communications:       O/P Com-22/H47
Targeting & Tracking: TharHes Mars 5 with Advanced Targeting Computer

    It was good to be out in the field again, finally, David thought, flexing his fingers
    against his twin joysticks and feeling his 'Mech's fingers flex with them. Ahead of him, he
    -- or perhaps his 'Mech -- could see two of the three CAR-9A's in his formation ahead, while
    radio signals told him where the rear-guard Caracal and the two scouting Wolfhounds ranged,
    hidden by the dense fog. They were holding station well, much to his relief.
    His reluctant agreement to release the Caracal design to Arc-Royal MechWorks had resulted in
    a cancelation of the Wraiths' previous training orders. Instead, they'd remained on-planet
    for over two months providing assistance in the startup to CAR-9A production. Never mind
    that that was, in the grand scheme of things, an incredibly fast turnaround on production of
    a new 'Mech, he still chafed at the delay, knowing how badly the morale of his Mechwarriors
    would be impacted by such a long period of inactivity. So, once the first models were coming
    off the line in working order, he had jumped at the chance to take the Wraiths out on a
    combat op. Local forces on the primary world of the Great X system had reported pirates
    raiding outlying settlements -- pirates armed with Battlemechs.
    The Victoria R had limited sensor capability for orbital surveillance, but on
    approach they had been able to narrow down likely locations of the pirate base to four
    choices. Last week, Saffi had led search parties to scour the first two sites, and this week
    was his turn to finish. Site 3#, the target for this operation, was a bog that had
    registered anomalous magnetic fields, which could indicate running Battlemechs or just some
    exceptionally large pieces of space junk and scrap from one of the number of battles fought
    in the neighborhood over the last century and a half.
    "Loki," a voice sounded in his ear, "I've got heat signatures on sensors. So far four and
    counting, more than two meters in any dimension. Bearing is 172 through 175 and spreading
    south. Permission to establish ranging?"
    "Granted, Brewer," David answered. "Fire across their bow, if you please. Brewer, Shark,
    accelerate and encircle. Fox, Vixen, Doorbell, advance but do not engage unless fired upon."
    A few seconds later, his sensors picked up the signature of Brewer's WLF-2 firing its ER
    Large Laser, and a quick burst of heat energy and blast of steam as the shot connected with
    the water their mechs all waded in.
    "Bearings continuing to spread out and move southward, Loki. Range to target is half a
    kilometer, margin 0.1. I have eight blips total, and four are definitely Mechs of some
    "Acknowledged. All hands accelerate to flank speed." He reached up to toggle the radio
    transmitter on an open frequency. "Unidentified vehicles, you are ordered to identify
    The response came crackling back only seconds later.
    "Holy hell, man, what's thattabout? D'you just shoot at us?"
    "Pirate activity has been reported in this area. On behalf of the Arc-Royal Liberty
    Coalition, I am authorized to investigate and neutralize pirates. We have identified the
    thermal signatures of 'Mechs in your column, please activate transponders or provide other
    forms of identification."
    "Identifi- This ain't Falcon space no more, buster! Can't nobody just go stoppin' folks and
    shakin' 'em down out here, listen?"
    "Unidentified vehicles, be advised that I am authorized to use lethal force," David replied
    coldly. "Identify your vehicles or they will be disabled." Official records show
    this place as deserted, he thought to himself. One WorkMech and a couple of vehicles
    could be some prospectors that the local government doesn't know about, but there's just too
    many of you to be just a few harmless bumpkins.
    A few moments later, his guess was confirmed as an Autocannon round flashed past his
    shoulder. Immediately, he heaved his 'Mech into motion, subconsciously pressing forward
    against his harness as his body tensed. The Thug's feet splashed heavily in the muck, but
    its reverse-jointed legs managed the sudden pivot elegantly.
    "All units engage," he barked on the unit's encrypted radio channel. "Brewer, Shark, catch
    any leakers. Weapons free, weapons free. Vicky," he added, using the DropShip's standard
    callsign, "engaging an unidentified hostile force. Request you prep one APC for cleanup."
    Ahead of him the fog was beginning to clear, burnt off by the firing of lasers and the jump
    jets of the Caracals. His targeting computer had worked out an approximate firing solution
    from the Autocannon round, and he squeezed off a salvo of LRM's, grateful to see from his
    sensors that the rest of the formation was successfully keeping their firing lanes clear.
    Within a few moments, return fire from the enemy 'Mechs and vehicles signaled their
    locations more precisely, and the fight was on in earnest.
    The four vehicles were trying to scatter, firing a few lasers at whatever target was
    closest, but their crews were clearly unskilled and poorly armed for this fight. David
    focused his attention on the enemy Battlemechs, visible now as vague silhouettes illuminated
    occasionally by laser fire. One seemed significantly larger than the others, and he selected
    it as a target, squeezing the trigger on his right joystick. A split second later, he saw
    the shot land, striking his target on its own right arm.
    Now he had his enemy's attention. The other mech turned and began to advance, firing another
    round from the Autocannon. This one struck home, the Thug's left arm, and David blanched as
    he felt the weight of the impact. That had not been an autocannon. His reassessment of his
    target was reinforced as his sensors finally got a good radar return, identifying it as a
    Caesar CES-3R. Apparently, whoever these pirates were, they still had a few rounds of Gauss
    ammo to spend.
    David flicked off another volley of missiles, as much to distract his opponent as to
    actually harm the heavy 'Mech, and charged. Normally, he would have the better of a
    long-range duel, but against a fully-functioning Caesar's ER PPC and Gauss rifle, he was
    actually at a slight disadvantage. He would have to close to laser range to maximize his
    chances, ideally before a lucky shot lodged a Gauss round in his pilot's chair. Thankfully,
    his opponent, likely the leader of these pirates, either didn't trust his aim at range or
    just didn't know any better, because the two reverse-kneed Mechs closed steadily on each
    other, their pilots largely oblivious to the swirling battle around them as they focused all
    their attention on evading each other's lines of fire. David's next PPC shot landed on the
    Caesar's left arm, but he slowed a bit too much in lining up his shot, and took a Gauss shot
    to the leg for his trouble.
    David swore as he felt his 'Mech's right knee lock up under him, either damaged or jammed by
    the supersonic slug, just as the right foot came down, and he slipped in the mud,
    overbalancing and slowly toppling forward. Desperately, he reached out and caught onto a
    tree with his 'Mech's left hand. The tree cracked and bent ominously, but it held enough for
    him to keep his balance.
    "All right, Jörmungandr," David breathed, "keep it together." Even though they had
    nearly taken a tumble, his improved targeting computer had kept a clear fix on the Caesar's
    position and heading, and it had just entered his prime weapons range. Leaning back
    unconsciously in his seat, David pivoted his 'Mech on its locked leg, planting the left leg
    firmly and firing a full alpha-strike into his surprised enemy.
    The Caesar pilot was caught completely off-guard. Charging straight at his opponent,
    seemingly with every expectation of having a chance to kick them while they were down, armor
    absolutely melted off the Caesar's left side. It staggered and lurched forward, then the
    cockpit glass shattered as the Mechwarrior inside ejected. David aimed the lasers in his
    Thug's modified left arm at the ejecting pirate, hesitated, then nodded in satisfaction as
    the parachute popped open directly onto the sagging tree beside which his mech stood,
    leaving its pilot dangling senseless from his safety harness. He would be waiting for them
    once the APC arrived to collect prisoners.
    David looked around then, but the fight seemed to be already over. Status reports from his
    own Mechwarriors indicated minor damage to armor and one disabled PPC, but the pirates
    seemed, other than the one Caesar, to have been equipped only with light mechs armed with
    lasers and with damaged armor. One of their pilots had successfully ejected when his 'Mech
    went down, and had run off into the bog, but the other two were dead, and those foot
    soldiers who had escaped the four smaller vehicles when the Wolfhounds caught them had
    David took a moment to test Jörmungandr's knee. It was stiff and sticky, but it
    moved again when he put the 'Mech's weight on it. Minor damage, but nothing significant.
    With luck, the damage would be repaired by the time they made it back to Arc-Royal to
    "Vicky," he spoke into his radio, "engagement concluded. We have a few prisoners for the APC
    collect, to turn over to the locals, plus we'll be bringing back a bit of salvage -- most of
    a CES-3R."
    "Aff," Saffi's voice came over the radio. "Is the Gauss still intact?"
    David shrugged, then grinned as he felt the Thug's massive shoulder actuators mimic his
    subconscious gesture.
    "Maybe. It was, before I shot him. We'll have to see once we get it aboard."
    The exasperated sigh on the intercom brought a laugh to David's lips.

    A full refit and rebuild of a Thug THG-11E using primarily Lyran-made parts, the
    Jörmungandr has kept its original frame and most of its armor, but had its weapon
    loadout heavily altered to suit its role as a command mech for a highly mobile force. Its
    left arm has had the PPC mount replaced with a mount for twin Defiance Industries-built
    Clan-grade ER Medium Lasers, two more of which are mounted just below, and on either side
    of, the cockpit. The left SRM cone now covers an LRM system taken directly from a ZEU-9S,
    and the right cone has been fused shut in order to protect a targeting computer. About one
    ton of armor has been shaved from the inside of various parts of the 'Mech in order to fit
    the new components. Overall, the Jörmungandr is a fast and deadly command 'Mech,
    able to provide fire support for lighter 'Mechs during the opening states of an engagement
    before rapidly closing to break through enemy lines.

Notable MechWarriors:
    Jörmungandr is operated by Capt. David Allen von Scheer, callsign "Loki," C.O. of
    the Wraiths of Twycross mercenary company.

Equipment                                                             Mass                      
Internal Structure:                         Endo Steel                 4.00                     
Engine:                                     320 Fusion                22.50                     
    Walking MP:                                 4                                               
    Running MP:                                 6                                               
    Jumping MP:                                 0                                               
Heat Sinks (Double):                         17 [34]                   7.00                     
Gyro:                                        Standard                  4.00                     
Cockpit:                                     Standard                  3.00                     
Armor Factor:                                  232                    14.50                     
    Type:                                    Standard                                           

                                    Internal         Armor     
                                    Structure        Value     
    Head:                               3              9       
    Center Torso:                      25             35       
    Center Torso (rear):                               8       
    R/L Torso:                         17             28       
    R/L Torso (rear):                                  6       
    R/L Arm:                           13             26       
    R/L Leg:                           17             30       

Weapons and Ammo                                       Location          Critical     Tonnage   
2 ER Medium Lasers (C)                                    CT                2          2.00             
Targeting Computer                                        RT                3          3.00             
CASE II                                                   LT                1          1.00             
LRM 15 w/ Artemis IV FCS                                  LT                3          7.00             
LRM 15 (Ammo 16) [Artemis IV]                             LT                2          2.00             
PPC                                                       RA                3          7.00             
2 ER Medium Lasers (C)                                    LA                2          2.00             

Alpha Strike Statistics                                             
Point Value (PV): 48
TP: BM,  SZ: 4,  TMM: 1,  MV: 8"
Damage: (S) 5 / (M) 6 / (L) 3,  OV: 0
Armor (A): 8,  Structure (S): 6
Specials: CASEII, IF1
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