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A bunch of IICs
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Clan Wolf
Point Commander
Point Commander

Joined: 19-Sep-2003 00:00
Posts: 39

PostPosted: 23-Sep-2003 06:41    Post subject: A bunch of IICs Reply to topic Reply with quote

Type: Phoenix Hawk IIC
Technology Base: Clan, Second-Line
Mass: 45 Tons
Chassis: PHX Endo Steel
Power Plant: Arcadia Heavy Power 315 XL
Cruising Speed: 75.6 kph
Maximum Speed: 118.8kph
Jump Jets: Rising Phoenix
Jump Capacity: 210 Metres
Armour: PHX Ferro-Fibrous Plating
1 Ares Blade Large Pulse Laser
2 Ares Dirk Medium Pulse Lasers
4 Metal Storm Machine Guns
Communications System: Star Howl-12
Targeting and Tracking System: SureShot-5
Primary Manufacturer: Clan Jade Falcon
Primary Factory: Ironhold


The Phoenix Hawk, a favoured 'Mech of Inner Sphere recon unit commanders, traveled into exile with Aleksandr Kerensky. The Phoenix Hawk was an integral part of the battle to re-take the Pentagon Worlds, as its speed and maneuverability allowed it to pursue enemy forces, outflank them, and respond quickly to enemy incursions. The Phoenix Hawk, due to its versatility and relatively light weight, was one of the first 'Mechs put back into production after the Clans re-took the Pentagon Worlds. Not to be confused by the Steel Viper mockery which bears this designation, the Jade Falcon Phoenix Hawk IIC is an agile, powerful 'Mech which suits the Jade Falcon ethos of warfare.


With its upgraded and extra-light engine, something of a rarity on a second-line machine, the Phoenix Hawk is capable of moving in excess of 100 kph and making Jumps of over two hundred metres, allowing its pilot to react rapidly in the heat of battle. Against Inner Sphere foes, this additional capability had an added bonus; since the Phoenix Hawk IIC looks so much like its Inner Sphere brethren, Inner Sphere foes were not expecting the enhanced speed and jump capability, allowing Phoenix Hawk pilots to get the drop on their opponents.

Armed with an Ares Blade Large Pulse Laser, the Phoenix Hawk is capable of engaging enemies at 600 metres with exceptional accuracy. For follow-up damage, the Phoenix Hawk is armed with a pair of Ares Dirk Medium Pulse Lasers, and thanks to the additional heat sinks mounted in the 'Mech, the pilot can use all of his weapons almost continuously without suffering overheating. The Machine Guns, relics of the original design and the fact that many of the foes in Operation Klondike were infantry, are capable of shredding opposing infantry, making the Phoenix Hawk ideal for operation in a city or headhunter tactics.

As a whole, the Phoenix Hawk IIC outperforms its Inner Sphere counterpart in every possible way, combining speed and devastatingly accurate firepower. Although it does not have the firepower offered by the Steel Viper machine, the Phoenix Hawk IIC is a deadly opponent.

Finally, a point of note is that the Steel Viper Clan used the schematics and design ethos of the Phoenix Hawk IIC to create their Vapour Eagle.


The Phoenix Hawk IIC is being deployed in the wake of the losses suffered at the hands of Adam Steiner and Archer Christofori. It is more common in units that suffered the heaviest casualties (such as the rebuilding Falcon Guards).


After the embarrassing defeat on the cursed planet of Twycross, the Falcon Guards are rebuilding for the second time in as many decades. Star Captain Joanna has finished training her Sibko on Ironhold and has been recalled to Sudeten. As no other 'Mechs were available, she appropriated a Phoenix Hawk IIC from the nearby factory. Though she would undoubtedly rather have her favoured Summoner back, Joanna is an able and cunning ‘MechWarrior and has worked hard to master the 'Mech. Because of her age, Joanna knows that permanent assignment to the Falcon Guards is unlikely and being given an OmniMech even less likely. Still, Star Colonel Diana Pryde has installed her as he second-in-command and relies upon her advice.


Not much changed. Pulse lasers, given the 'Mech’s speed and role, were pretty much no-brainers. Since I had the tonnage and space available, I upped the speed and Jump capability.


Engine: 11
Gyro: 4
Cockpit: 3
Endo Steel: 2.5
Ferro-Fibrous: 8
7 Jump Jets: 3.5
1 Additional Double Heat Sink: 1
Large Pulse Laser: 6
2 Medium Pulse Lasers: 4
4 Machine Guns with 1 ton of Ammuition: 2


Walking MP: 7
Running MP: 11
Jumping MP: 7

Total Heat Sinks: 11 (22) Double Heat Sinks


Head: 9
Centre Torso: 21/7
Side Torsos: 17/5
Arms: 14
Legs: 22


1,848. Not too bad-only a little more expensive than the very similar Wraith…


1 Large Pulse Laser- Right Arm
2 Machine Guns- Left Arm
3 Jump Jets, 1 Medium Pulse Laser- Right Torso
3 Jump Jets, 1 Medium Pulse Laser, 1 Ton Machine Gun Ammunition- Left Torso
1 Machine Gun- Head
1 Machine Gun, 1 Jump Jet- Centre Torso

Type: Centurion IIC
Technology Base: Clan, Second-Line
Mass: 50 Tons
Chassis: Clan Endo Steel
Power Plant: Clan 250 Standard
Cruising Speed: 50.4 kph
Maximum Speed (without MASC): 86.4 kph
Maximum Speed (with MASC): 108 kph
Armour: Clan Ferro-Fibrous
1 Clan Large Pulse Laser
1 Clan LRM-15 with Artemis IV
2 Clan ER Medium Lasers
Communications System: Unknown, but contains intergrated Clan ECM Suite
Targeting and Tracking System: Unknown, but contains intergrated Light TAG and Active Probe
Primary Manufacturer: Clan Wolf
Primary Factory: Unknown


Military analysts often wondered why the Centurion, long a mainstay of the SLDF and Successor States Medium lances, did not deploy with the Clans. We have never determined the reason they did not arrive during the opening stages of the Invasion, but Clan Wolf’s drastic shortage of 'Mechs has seen them deploy the Centurion in small numbers throughout their OZ.


The Clans, in typical fashion, have replaced the Centurion’s ancient Auto Cannon with a lighter and much more accurate Large Pulse Laser. Clan Pulse Technology, light years ahead of anything the Inner Sphere can muster, actually allows for the weapon to outdistance the original cannon and that which is found on the upgraded CN9-D Centurion. The LRM rack also increased in size, moving to the Centre Torso where it can better be protected. Clan Artemis Technology increases the LRM’s accuracy, and it still carries the same amount of reloads as the Inner Sphere version.

The Medium Lasers have also been replaced with Clan ER technology, providing a significant range boost. Clan laser technology is so advanced that a single ER Medium Laser very nearly matches the capabilities of the old Auto Cannon 10 employed by the original Centurion.

The Clan’s technical expertise also allowed them to increase the Centurion’s engine size, giving the 'Mech a 33% higher top speed even without engaging the MASC system the 'Mech carries. For short bursts, the Centurion IIC is capable of outpacing its Inner Sphere upgraded counterpart.

Most unusually, the 'Mech carries an extraordinary amount of electronic warfare equipment. The Centurion has long been known for its powerful inbuilt electronics systems, but the Clans have taken it to extremes by mounting ECM suites, Active Probes, and even a compact TAG unit to the 'Mech.

This distinctive and highly efficient upgrade package for the Clan Centurion will make it a feared opponent in years to come.


Considering its speed and EW capabilities, it is unsurprising that Clan Wolf has deployed the Centurion IIC in harasser Stars. More fearsomely, and importantly, Centurions have been sighted in the field with Naga OmniMechs.


Cockpit: 3
Engine: 12.5
Endo Steel: 2.5
Ferro-Fibrous: 9
Large Pulse Laser: 6
2 ER Medium Lasers: 2
LRM-15 with Artemis IV and 3 tons of ammo: 6.5
ECM Suite: 1
Active Probe: 1
Light TAG: .5


Head: 9
Centre torso: 25/7
Side Torsos: 17/7
Arms: 16
Legs: 24


1 Large Pulse Laser (No Lower Arm/hand Actuators)- Right Arm
1 LRM-15- Centre Torso
1 Artemis IV FCS- Head
1 ER Medium Laser, 3 Tons LRM Ammo, Light TAG, CASE- Left Torso
1 ER Medium laser (Rear-Facing), 2- Slot MASC, Active Probe, ECM Suite- Right Torso

(Place Endo Steel and Ferro-Fibrous slots wherever you like.)

BV: 1,724


I was a bit surprised to not see a Centurion IIC in the 3060 Tech Readout. I guess it must have slipped through the cracks. This is my approximation of it.

The AC was the first thing to go because I wanted to increase the engine size. After much hemming and hawing, I decided to stop trying to cram a 300 XL into it and go the 250/MASC road. MASC can be a bit risky, but since it was only 2 tons (which I couldn’t really have done much with anyway), it’s worthwhile on the Centurion IIC.

Upgrading the LRM was the second thing on the ‘Hit List’. At first I was going for the LRM-20/Artemis combo, but when I decided not to use an XL, it went down to a 15-pack instead. Artemis was a natural progression.

The ERs were a fairly obvious change, but as I mentioned above, Clan ER Mediums very nearly match an Inner Sphere AC/10, at 1/11th the mass. In fact, my first attempt nearly matched the Nova Prime, as it packed 6 ER Mediums in place of the AC (and overheated, shut down, and died).

The EW gear seems a tad extreme, but as I said in the fluff, the Centurion has long been noted for its above-par electronics. Clan tech took the EW nature of the 'Mech to a new height, and, considering its loadout and speed, makes the Centurion IIC a very nasty opponent.

The 'Mech can overheat if you fire the lot and run, but as it’s only movement heat, I wouldn’t worry overly much about that.



Type: Griffon IIC
Technology Base: Clan, Second-Line
Mass: 55 Tons
Chassis: Tokasha ‘MechWorks Endo Steel
Power Plant: Core Tek 275
Cruising Speed: 54.0 kph
Maximum Speed: 86.4 kph
Jump Jets: Griffon Wings
Jump Capacity: 150 Metres
Armour: Tokasha ‘Mechworks Ferro-Fibrous
1 Asgard-12 ER PPC
1 Type XV “Great Bow” LRM Launcher
2 Tokasha ER Medium Lasers
Communications System: TMA ComniCon
Targeting and Tracking System: TMA TargeTrak with Artemis IV
Primary Manufacturer: Clan Hell’s Horses
Primary Factory: Tokasha ‘MechWorks Alpha


After the Ghost Bears left the Clan Homeworlds to consolidate their Ghost Bear Dominion, several Clans attempted to exert control of the large and valuable TMA Industriplex. However, with the timely aid of Khan Vladimir Ward’s Golden Keshik, the Hell’s Horses were able to gain the upper hand and force the other Clans away. As well as the totem Nightmare quadruped OmniMech, TMA has begun to churn out other, lower-cost 'Mechs as well. One of these is the powerful Griffon IIC.


Armed with a powerful Asgard ER PPC, the Griffon is capable of coring most light 'Mechs with a single shot and causing severe damage to any more heavily armoured opponents as well. With the Artemis-guided LRM pack riding on the 'Mech’s right shoulder, the Griffon can unleash a follow-up volley to further punish the enemy. If an enemy foolishly elects to close, the Griffon can use the added tactical flexibility of its Jump Jets to unleash its ER Medium lasers and finish them off.

If the Griffon has one flaw, it is its vulnerability to heat in extended engagements. Even the four Double Heat Sinks added to the chassis cannot bleed off the heat if a pilot insists on jumping and firing continually. A balance must be struck between firepower and overheating.

Recently, Clan Ice Hellion attempted to wrest control of TMA away from the Hell’s Horses. The garrison had just been equipped with the new Griffon IIC, and after nominating the Industiplex as the venue for the Trial, used the confines of the facility to negate the Hellion’s speed advantage. With the heavy firepower of the Griffons at their disposal, the Horsemen were able to quickly shatter the Hellions.


The Griffon IIC is flooding second-line units in need of 'Mechs and is expected to be the backbone of the newly-forming Tokasha Garrison Cluster. Other Clans have opened negotiations for the 'Mech, with Clan Diamond Shark leading the charge with offers of concessions in purchasing HarJel, a vital necessity in our Clan as we are upgrading to the newer and more powerful Gnome Elemental suits.

A Star was also sent to Clan Wolf in gratitude of their aid.


There’s nothing new under the sun. The Clan PPC and larger LRM Rack will allow you to punish the opposition afar, and the 'Mech’s heavy armour, standard engine, and Jump ability will keep you going at middle-and-close fighting. Not too bad, if uninspired.


Engine: 15.5
Gyro: 3
Cockpit: 3
Endo Steel: 3
Ferro-Fibrous: 9.5
5 Jump Jets: 2.5
4 Double Heat Sinks: 4
LRM-15 with Artemis IV and 2 Tons of Ammunition: 6.5
2 ER Medium Lasers: 2


Walking MP: 5
Running MP: 8
Jumping MP: 5

Total Heat Sinks: 14 (28) Double Heat Sinks


Head: 9
Centre Torso: 27/7
Side Torsos: 20/6
Arms: 18
Legs: 26


2,255. Ouch. You could almost get a Timber Wolf…


1 Double Heat Sink, 1 ER PPC- Right Arm
2 ER Medium Lasers- Left Arm
2 Jump Jets, LRM-15, Artemis IV, 2 Ton of LRM Ammunition- Right Torso
2 Jump Jets- Left Torso
1 Jump Jet- Centre Torso
1 Double Heat Sink- Each Leg

Type: Shadow Hawk IIC
Technology Base: Clan, Second-Line
Mass: 55 Tons
Chassis: Abyssal Endo Steel
Power Plant: Abyssal Fury 330 XL
Cruising Speed: 64.8 kph
Maximum Speed: 97.2 kph
Jump Jets: Shadow Wings
Jump Capacity: 180 Metres
Armour: Abyssal Ferro-Fibrous
1 Bright Lance ER Large Laser
1 Type XV “Great Bow” LRM-15
2 Star Lance ER Medium Lasers
1 Star Fury ER Small Laser
2 Hell’s Fury Flamers
Communications System: Abyssal Howl
Targeting and Tracking System: Night Hunter with Artemis IV
Primary Manufacturer: Clan Wolf
Primary Factory: Abyss


After capturing the night world of Abyss from the Nova Cats, Clan Wolf has experienced a revival, using the world’s extensive resources and factory complexes, the Wolves have added two mighty Apocalypse-Class WarShips to their navy and begun to reconstruct their BattleMech forces. One of the new 'Mechs that has recently entered production is the powerful new second-line Shadow Hawk.


The Shadow Hawk has long been a favourite of commanders, combining good speed with armour and a versatile weapons array. Clan Wolf has enhanced its already excellent capabilities by defying tradition and equipping the Shadow Hawk with advanced systems.

An ER Large Laser provides the Shadow Hawk with a solid punch at unmatchable range, and is backed up with a massive LRM Launcher tied to an Artemis guidance system. Further in, the Shadow Hawk can bring the ER Medium Laser mounted in each arm into play, and further in the Shadow Hawk can fire the tiny laser mounted beneath the 'Mech’s cockpit.

Some may be wondering why Flamers were added to the 'Mech’s chassis, as these have never been a part of any known Shadow Hawk variant. However, with the Truce of Tukayyid just a few short months away from ending, the Wolf Clan is beginning preparations to move ahead into the Inner Sphere and claim Terra. Our Inner Sphereian foes have been increasing the number of vehicle and infantry units they deploy because of their low costs compared to BattleMech forces; the twin Flamers will allow the Shadow Hawk to decimate opposing units of conventional forces and adds the potent factor of psychological warfare to the Shadow Hawk.

With speeds approaching 100 kph thanks to the massive 330- rated Extralight engine, the Shadow Hawk IIC is fully capable of maneuvering to best use its weapons, and has further tactical flexibility because the Jump Jets added to the 'Mech allow it to jump fully twice the distance of the original SHD-2H Shadow Hawk. Any enemy capable of outmaneuvering or outpacing the Shadow Hawk will discover to their dismay that the 'Mech out guns, out ranges, and out armours them as well.


The Shadow Hawk IIC has been deployed to all Galaxies in Clan Wolf, but some are being held in reserve as Khan Ward forms new garrison units to protect Wolf holdings whilst our other units prepare for a renewal of war.


The Shadow Hawk has long been a favourite of mine; the only reason I no longer use it is because I mainly play tournaments these days, and for 55 tons you’re better of with a Wolverine-M. Still, whenever the opportunity arises, I take the 'Mech and use it to confuse, harass, and annoy my opponents. I particularly love loading Inferno rockets and going tank-hunting

So when I looked at upgrading the 'Mech, I looked at its role. Since the Clans don’t really use skirmisher 'Mechs, the ethos changed slightly. However, to obtain the performance I wanted to see, I had to use some gear which is not standard on heavier Second-Liners. Still, the extra edge they give is nice, too.

The Flamers are there purely because I had one ton left and nothing to do with it. I could have mounted an extra Heat Sink, but then, with my pyromaniacal tendencies, I decided to go with a flamer.



Engine: 12.5
Gyro: 4
Cockpit: 3
Endo Steel: 3
Ferro-Fibrous: 9.5
6 Jump Jets: 3
6 Double Heat Sinks: 6
ER Large Laser: 4
LRM-15 with Artemis IV and 2 tons of Ammunition: 6.5
2 ER Medium Lasers: 2
1 ER Small Laser: .5
2 Flamers: 1


Walking MP: 6
Running MP: 9
Jumping MP: 6

Total Heat Sinks: 16 (32) Double Heat Sinks


Head: 9
Centre Torso:27/7
Side Torsos: 20/6
Arms: 18
Legs: 26




ER Medium Laser, Flamer- Each Arm
3 Jump Jets, 1 LRM-15, Artemis IV, 2 Tons LRM Ammunition- Left Torso
3 Jump Jets, ER Large Laser- Right Torso
ER Small Laser- Head
Double Heat Sink- Each Leg, Centre Torso

There are more to follow, including the Thunderbolt IIC, Marauder IIC, and if you are all good, maybe even a BattleMaster IIC (which will be different to the Red Corsair’s). But this is just to get started. Let’s see what ideas you have!

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