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Federated Suns
Leftenant General
Leftenant General

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PostPosted: 10-Nov-2003 18:37    Post subject: Jihad..... Reply to topic Reply with quote

The fact that clues can be interpretted in several different ways hardly makes them faulty. Just makes them more realistic and plausible. If you're getting clues that can only be interpretted in 1 way, your Intel organization is either clairvoyant, or you're being set up for an ambush.

There's also an OOC reason for keeping clues open to multiple interpretations. That way you retain some flexibility, should you require it.

The trick with the Jihad clearly is that no nations estimated that WoB would be a threat on such a level. If they did, they would have responded. Problem is that WoB has the best Intel organization in known space working for them, and that the major nations thought they either had them pegged (FWL, CC) or were far too busy with various wars (FC, DC).
That said, they did start looking much harder towards 3067.

All that will likely still not make you like the storyline any better. That's your personal opinion.

I'm only debating the issue whether the jihad had been in the works before FASA closed, as well as the plausibility of the Jihad (or lack thereof).

Considering the industrial might of earth (there are over 6 mech facilities alone) the material is there for building up the jihad that wizkids used. I guess WOB could find the manpower by rcruiting in FWL, Chaos March, and periphery (OA and other maginal states).

I would think that this builds up would have to take place over a much longer period of time considering the training needed for the various warrior types needed. ROM,Mechwarrior,Aerojock are the areas that would take the most training considering a four year academy is considered a minimum. I guess you could turn out 2 year wonders and let the battlefield sort out the rest like the Falcons did.

I agree that WOB would be able to conceal a lot of this from the Houses, since Terra has a lot of areas like the Sahara, Amazon, and Mongolia/ Siberia to train troops in that would be away from most population centers

[ This Message was edited by: rarich on 2003-11-10 20:58 ]
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Capellan Confederation

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PostPosted: 10-Nov-2003 20:45    Post subject: RE: Jihad..... Reply to topic Reply with quote


On 2003-11-10 18:37, Rarich wrote:
Considering the industrial might of earth (there are over 6 mech facilities alone) the material is there for building up the jihad that wizkids used. I guess WOB could find the manpower by rcruiting in FWL, Chaos March, and periphery (OA and other maginal states).

I agree. Also because several of those states tend to be unable to fully exploit their own population base; they lack the funds and training facilities.


I would think that this builds up would have to take place over a much longer period of time considering the training needed for the various warrior types needed. ROM,Mechwarrior,Aerojock are the areas that would take the most training considering a four year academy is considered a minimum.

True, on the average. Of course, between 3052 and 3067 you can fit quite a few classes in 1 time period. You certainly have plenty of teachers.
The only trick might be getting individuals properly indoctrinated, but there again is a boon in recruiting from the Periphery. IS literacy rates are low, the Periphery has it far worse (barring some exceptions like MoC and TC).
Ignorance is fertile grounds for fanatics.


I guess you could turn out 2 year wonders and let the battlefield sort out the rest like the Falcons did.

I agree again.
And that'd also be an argument in favor of using WMD's, you have poor odds of victory even in a fair fight.


I agree that WOB would be able to conceal a lot of this from the Houses, since Terra has a lot of areas like the Sahara, Amazon, and Mongolia/ Siberia to train troops in that would be away from most population centers

True, and Terra itself is very hard to infiltrate. Ask Comstar after the Fall of Terra. They couldn't pull it off with a home advantage (and an infiltration disadvantage, true).

Besides that, you can also erect various training camps in the more friendly periphery realms. Their planets tend to be sparesely populated, so you can have whole continents to yourself.

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Lyran Alliance

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PostPosted: 10-Nov-2003 22:33    Post subject: RE: Jihad..... Reply to topic Reply with quote

You can hide a lot of things if people aren't looking, and even more if they refuse to see it. I'll repost my answer from the last Jihad thread, titled "Ideas on where WoB is getting the manpower..."

Hitler's Germany re-armed itself after WW I, and the rest of Europe just didn't seem to notice anything for a long time. A lot of their early tank development, for instance, was funded and tested out under false names. "Heavy tractors", "Medium Tractors" and the like. The Kriegsmarine planned several ships under false labels too, and the Luftwaffe got their pilots trained in the extensive hobby piloting clubs that were started almost immediately after WW I. Some war schools were outside Germany, on Soviet territory, in full cooperation with Stalin.

Thus Germany managed to rebuild their warmachine while they outwardly followed all the limits placed on them by the Versailles treaty. No more than 100,000 men divided between a small standing army and even smaller defensive navy. No flying stuff was allowed...IIRC, the peace treaty was signed in 1919, and when Hitler denounced it in 1935 the Wehrmacht was already quite strong. They also got a few veterans of their own when they sent volunteers to fight in the Spanish civil war 1937.

And that's in Europe, which isn't very big compared to the whole Inner Sphere and Periphery. Hiding troops and training facilities isn't impossible, it's actually so easy that it isn't funny. Falsifying manufacturing records for known factories isn't exactly hard either, but quite hard to detect unless you're actively looking for such manipulation. Hidden factories won't need that, as long as you can get raw materials for them without alerting anyone. That shouldn't really be hard either. As a certain Admiral said, "My Lord, there are so many uncharted systems"....How many small wars can the wobblies use for training out there in the deep periphery? They can certainly have a good proportion of veterans of their own.

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Lyran Alliance

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PostPosted: 10-Nov-2003 22:37    Post subject: RE: Jihad..... Reply to topic Reply with quote

As for indoctrination, just follow the tried-and-true methods. We're under attack, they want to destroy our way of life, they'll take our jobs, they must be stopped. Manufacture a few atrocities to blame your enemies for and suddenly people will be screaming for you to go kill them. It's not hard.

A tree fall in the forest, and no one is around, and it hits a mime. Does anyone care?
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