Mordel's Bar & Grill
YC-135 Yeoman
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Clan Snow Raven
Galaxy Commander
Galaxy Commander

Joined: 04-Feb-2002 00:00
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PostPosted: 20-Mar-2008 11:25    Post subject: YC-135 Yeoman Reply to topic Reply with quote

YC-135 Yeoman
50 Ton Conventional Fighter

Nation of Origin: Taurian Concordat

Equipment & Mass
Engine: Turbine (GM 150) (11 tons)
- Thrust: 3
- Overthrust: 5

Structural Integrity: 3
Heat Sinks: 0
Fuel: 800 (5 tons)
Control: 3 tons
VSTOL: 1.5 ton
Armor: 48 (3 tons)

Armor Distribution:
Nose: 8
Cockpit: 8
L/R Wing: 8/8
Fuselage: 8
Engine: 8

Weapons & Ammuntion

(26.5 tons)

Transport Model (YC-135T)
- Carg (26.5 tons)

Infantry Transport Model (YC-135IT)
- SRM-6 (Left Wing)
- SRM-6 (Right Wing)
- Ammo (SRM-6) 30 (Fuselage)
- Infantry (12 tons) (Fuselage)
- Cargo (6.5 tons) (Fuselage)

Bomber Model (YC-135B)
- Bomb Bay (15 tons) (Fuselage)
- LRM-5 (Left Wing)
- LRM-5 (Right Wing)
- Machine Gun (Nose)
- Machine Gun (Nose)
- Machine Gun (Left Side)
- Machine Gun (Left Side)
- Machine Gun (Right Side)
- Machine Gun (Right Side)
- Machine Gun (Rear)
- Ammo (LRM-5) 48 (Fuselage)
- Ammo (Machine Gun) 400 (Fuselage)

Refueler Model (YC-135R)
- Refueler Equipment (9 tons) (Fuselage)
- Fuel (17.5 tons) (Fuselage)

MASH Model (YC-135H - Magistry of Canopus)
- MASH Unit (7.5 tons)
- Infantry (Converted to Medical Ward) (19 tons)

Within the Inner Sphere, when you want something moved from one location to another, you call a Planetlifter. Aerospace assets provide an esscort, and the craft uses her heavy lifting capability to move BattleMechs, tanks, infantry, or equipment anywhere you need it to go. A fine craft, with many modifications, and a true work horse.

When you need something taken care of in the Periphery, however, you call the YC-135 Yeoman. This fine quality craft is capable of the more dangerous adventures that crop up like crab grass all across the Periphery realms.

The Yeoman was developed in 3007, as the Taurian Concordat was seeking to increase its transportion capabilities at the time, and had a number of innovations. Throughout the cluster an innovative magrail line system was developed, connecting major cities and defensive sites. New highway systems were also built, often with redundent routes to the same location. Infrastructure was easy to develop in the cluster, but not so easy in less developed worlds, such as Lastpost.

Out there, in the wilds of the Periphery, the only tool that can be used is a conventional aircraft. The TDF, knowing that it needed to increase its force mobility, comissioned the YC-135 Yeoman as a "Suitable heavy conventional craft capable of competition with the Planetlifter." The YC-135 suits the bill.

Although it has not been around as long as the Planetlifter, the Yeoman has already been developed into three specific variants. The first is the most common mission it is used for: cargo and infantry transport. The model shown here represents a mix between carrying cargo and infantry, usually a full company of infantry and supporting equipment, such as artillery or light vehicles. The range of this craft is impressive, with nearly 5 tons of fuel. Although the YC-135IT can land and unload, the most common usage is parachute drop.

As a support craft the Yeoman performs better in this role then the Planetlifter. As the Yeoman moves in to the jump point, the pilots can begin to lay down fire with their SRMs. Any opposition on the ground would be hurt or even destroyed before the first trooper begins his drop. With the Planetlifter, often it approaches unarmed, and anti-aircraft fire can begin to work unopposed, shredding the craft and killing the paratroopers as they fall to the ground. To quote a recent passanger: "I looked over as I settled into my harness and saw the trails of the rockets racing towards the ground. The pirate machine gun nest was fully obsucrred for almost a minute by the explosions and smoke. When we got there all that was left was the chared remains of a full platoon of pirate infantry, a lucky SRM hit their ammo and that was that. Thank god for the Yeoman."

The YC-135IT can be converted into a regular transport as well, dropping all weapons and ammo, and the infantry bays for 26.5 tons of cargo. This variant is known as the YC-135T and is very common around the Periphery.

The YC-135B takes this support model even further. Heavily modified, there is no rear cargo entrance. Instead, the cockpit and control equipment is moved up and back, and the nose is converted into a bomb bay. This bay allows the YC-135B to carry an additional 15 bombs to the 10 externally mounted bombs it usually would carry. This allows for terrible attacks, including the use of Arrow IV missiles as a strategic weapon. Further, the YC-135B is heavily defended, covered in close defense weapons and packing two LRM systems to engage approaching units at long range. It is hoped that the initial burst of missile fire would keep an approaching unit's head down, allowing the YC-135B to complete its mission in peace.

The final variant of the YC-135 is the YC-135R, a refueler craft that is almost unknown in the whole of human occupied space. In standard doctrine, commanders plan to have their conventional and aerospace fighter assets deployed to their operational range and limit, as imposed by fuel and ammunition constraints. However, Dr. Hadrian Shevler, one of the design team researchers, was not convinced this was necessary. Having left the Free Worlds League years before, he had, on occassion, seen coolant trucks in action. And he was convinced that he could build a slightly modified system for the YC-135R. In fact, the Refueler Yeoman was almost entirely done by him during his spare time.

When he first proposed that there was no need for the Yeoman or any other TDF conventional aircraft to be constrained by their onboard fuel, many were skeptical. Such a craft, one leading TDF pilot pointed out, would be a flying bomb. Others agreed. However, the promise of such a craft might be worth the risk. A new operational doctrine was proposed: Aerospace assets could be kept busy during the opening of an invasion by the use of limited conventional aircraft attacks, scattered across their front, and against their DZ. As the Aerospace fighters finished off their fuel supplies, they would retreat out of the combat zone to refuel, either at the DZ, or, better, in space at their JumpShip. At that point, the TDF would relaunch their conventional fighters as well as YC-135Rs and proceed with a continual assault against the invasion force while refueling. The YC-135Rs would be escorted and kept out of the immediate combat areas, but would stay close enough to move towards a thirsty unit.

It is expected that this approach will allow TDF forces to maintain air supperiority over almost any invasion force, even if air fields are overrun.

There is one problem with the refueling system though. No matter how carefully constructed it is, no matter how many air purifiers are put onto the craft, a dangerous amount of jet fuel vapor still escapes the fuel tanks to enter the plane. This makes the Refueler far to dangerous to mount weapons on, and even their escorts maintain a friendly distance.

Both the YC-135T and YC-135B see heavy deployment throughout the Periphery. The Outworld's Alliance is assembling a full bomber wing, to be known as the 322nd Special Assingments Wing, that they intend to use as attack craft in an upcoming campaign against the pirate bases around them.

The MAF Medical Corp uses a variant of the YC-135T known as the YC-135H, a flying hospital. It has an 7.5 ton medical ward, and the cargo space, 19 tons, is converted for use as a triage and recovery ward. The five surgical wards allow the YC-135H to provide excellent medical service while moving soldiers from a combat zone to a full hospital. The regular MAF uses both the YC-135T and YC-135IT as well, often together to provide armored fighting support to infantry companies on the move. Though they have bought two YC-135Bs, the MAF has not yet decided if the bomber is something that they need, and are hesitant to adopt it.

Surprisingly, the Marian Hegemony, a strong enemy of the Taurian Concordat also has managed to get their hands on a number of YC-135Ts. They are currently in the process of modifying them to suit their own weapons needs. The TDF has quietly identified these units as YC-MH-135Ts so they can keep track of what modifications are made. If any bear fruit, the TDF will surely copy them.

Other smaller realms have gained copies of the YC-135T as well, and it is quickly becoming a popular and sought after design. The primary factory is considering the release of the YC-135C, a civilian luxury transport craft, with very little armor, and a lot of ammenities. It is yet to be seen if this will occur.

NOTE: The Bomber, MASH, and Refueler are Level 3 designs. I did my best to stick with the rules as I could reverse engineer them! Feel free to post corrections, or the BV and Cost if you have HMAero. Thanks again!
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Imperial Karagin Army
Imperial General
Imperial General

Joined: 04-Feb-2002 00:00
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PostPosted: 20-Mar-2008 11:27    Post subject: YC-135 Yeoman Reply to topic Reply with quote

I like it as it is. Nice use of multi-roles. Well done.

Love the fluff! Excellent job on that.
Only the dead have seen the end of war. - Plato

"Wasted trip Man. Nobody said nuthin' about lockin' horns with no tigers." Oddball
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Clan Snow Raven
Galaxy Commander
Galaxy Commander

Joined: 04-Feb-2002 00:00
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PostPosted: 21-Mar-2008 01:21    Post subject: YC-135 Yeoman Reply to topic Reply with quote

I love fluff. A machine without fluff is just numbers.. some damn good numbers on occasion, but just numbers. Very Happy Fluff makes even bad numbers shine.
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Mr. Referee
Mr. Referee

Joined: 04-Feb-2002 00:00
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PostPosted: 21-Mar-2008 03:00    Post subject: YC-135 Yeoman Reply to topic Reply with quote

you didn't ask but here:

                    AeroTech 2 Vessel Technical Readout

Class/Model/Name:  Yoeman [Transport] YC-135T
Tech:              Inner Sphere / 3025
Vessel Type:       Conventional Fighter
Rules:             Level 1, Custom design
Rules Set:         AeroTech2

Mass:              50 tons
Frame:             Bowie Yoeman
Length:            16 meters
Power Plant:       Rawlings Air Turbine 150 Turbine
Safe Thrust:       3
Maximum Thrust:    5
Armor Type:        StarSlab/11.5 Type HVA Standard
Armament:          None
Manufacturer:   Pinard Protectorates Limited
  Location:     Perdition / TC (PPL)
Communications System:  Neil 8000
Targeting & Tracking System:  O/P 2500 TGFD
Within the Inner Sphere, when you want something moved from one location to
another, you call a Planetlifter. Aerospace assets provide an esscort, and the
craft uses her heavy lifting capability to move BattleMechs, tanks, infantry,
or equipment anywhere you need it to go. A fine craft, with many
modifications, and a true work horse.

When you need something taken care of in the Periphery, however, you call the
YC-135 Yeoman. This fine quality craft is capable of the more dangerous
adventures that crop up like crab grass all across the Periphery realms.

The Yeoman was developed in 3007, as the Taurian Concordat was seeking to
increase its transportion capabilities at the time, and had a number of
innovations. Throughout the cluster an innovative magrail line system was
developed, connecting major cities and defensive sites. New highway systems
were also built, often with redundent routes to the same location.
Infrastructure was easy to develop in the cluster, but not so easy in less
developed worlds, such as Lastpost.

Out there, in the wilds of the Periphery, the only tool that can be used is a
conventional aircraft. The TDF, knowing that it needed to increase its force
mobility, comissioned the YC-135 Yeoman as a "Suitable heavy conventional
craft capable of competition with the Planetlifter." The YC-135 suits the

Although it has not been around as long as the Planetlifter, the Yeoman has
already been developed into three specific variants. The first is the most
common mission it is used for: cargo and infantry transport. The model shown
here represents a mix between carrying cargo and infantry, usually a full
company of infantry and supporting equipment, such as artillery or light
vehicles. The range of this craft is impressive, with nearly 5 tons of fuel.
Although the YC-135IT can land and unload, the most common usage is parachute

As a support craft the Yeoman performs better in this role then the
Planetlifter. As the Yeoman moves in to the jump point, the pilots can begin
to lay down fire with their SRMs. Any opposition on the ground would be hurt
or even destroyed before the first trooper begins his drop. With the
Planetlifter, often it approaches unarmed, and anti-aircraft fire can begin to
work unopposed, shredding the craft and killing the paratroopers as they fall
to the ground. To quote a recent passanger: "I looked over as I settled into
my harness and saw the trails of the rockets racing towards the ground. The
pirate machine gun nest was fully obsucrred for almost a minute by the
explosions and smoke. When we got there all that was left was the chared
remains of a full platoon of pirate infantry, a lucky SRM hit their ammo and
that was that. Thank god for the Yeoman."

The YC-135IT can be converted into a regular transport as well, dropping all
weapons and ammo, and the infantry bays for 26.5 tons of cargo. This variant
is known as the YC-135T and is very common around the Periphery.

The YC-135B takes this support model even further. Heavily modified, there is
no rear cargo entrance. Instead, the cockpit and control equipment is moved up
and back, and the nose is converted into a bomb bay. This bay allows the
YC-135B to carry an additional 15 bombs to the 10 externally mounted bombs it
usually would carry. This allows for terrible attacks, including the use of
Arrow IV missiles as a strategic weapon. Further, the YC-135B is heavily
defended, covered in close defense weapons and packing two LRM systems to
engage approaching units at long range. It is hoped that the initial burst of
missile fire would keep an approaching unit's head down, allowing the YC-135B
to complete its mission in peace.

The final variant of the YC-135 is the YC-135R, a refueler craft that is
almost unknown in the whole of human occupied space. In standard doctrine,
commanders plan to have their conventional and aerospace fighter assets
deployed to their operational range and limit, as imposed by fuel and
ammunition constraints. However, Dr. Hadrian Shevler, one of the design team
researchers, was not convinced this was necessary. Having left the Free Worlds
League years before, he had, on occassion, seen coolant trucks in action. And
he was convinced that he could build a slightly modified system for the
YC-135R. In fact, the Refueler Yeoman was almost entirely done by him during
his spare time.

When he first proposed that there was no need for the Yeoman or any other TDF
conventional aircraft to be constrained by their onboard fuel, many were
skeptical. Such a craft, one leading TDF pilot pointed out, would be a flying
bomb. Others agreed. However, the promise of such a craft might be worth the
risk. A new operational doctrine was proposed: Aerospace assets could be kept
busy during the opening of an invasion by the use of limited conventional
aircraft attacks, scattered across their front, and against their DZ. As the
Aerospace fighters finished off their fuel supplies, they would retreat out of
the combat zone to refuel, either at the DZ, or, better, in space at their
JumpShip. At that point, the TDF would relaunch their conventional fighters as
well as YC-135Rs and proceed with a continual assault against the invasion
force while refueling. The YC-135Rs would be escorted and kept out of the
immediate combat areas, but would stay close enough to move towards a thirsty

It is expected that this approach will allow TDF forces to maintain air
supperiority over almost any invasion force, even if air fields are overrun.

There is one problem with the refueling system though. No matter how carefully
constructed it is, no matter how many air purifiers are put onto the craft, a
dangerous amount of jet fuel vapor still escapes the fuel tanks to enter the
plane. This makes the Refueler far to dangerous to mount weapons on, and even
their escorts maintain a friendly distance.

Both the YC-135T and YC-135B see heavy deployment throughout the Periphery.
The Outworld's Alliance is assembling a full bomber wing, to be known as the
322nd Special Assingments Wing, that they intend to use as attack craft in an
upcoming campaign against the pirate bases around them.

The MAF Medical Corp uses a variant of the YC-135T known as the YC-135H, a
flying hospital. It has an 7.5 ton medical ward, and the cargo space, 19 tons,
is converted for use as a triage and recovery ward. The five surgical wards
allow the YC-135H to provide excellent medical service while moving soldiers
from a combat zone to a full hospital. The regular MAF uses both the YC-135T
and YC-135IT as well, often together to provide armored fighting support to
infantry companies on the move. Though they have bought two YC-135Bs, the MAF
has not yet decided if the bomber is something that they need, and are
hesitant to adopt it.

Surprisingly, the Marian Hegemony, a strong enemy of the Taurian Concordat
also has managed to get their hands on a number of YC-135Ts. They are
currently in the process of modifying them to suit their own weapons needs.
The TDF has quietly identified these units as YC-MH-135Ts so they can keep
track of what modifications are made. If any bear fruit, the TDF will surely
copy them.

Other smaller realms have gained copies of the YC-135T as well, and it is
quickly becoming a popular and sought after design. The primary factory is
considering the release of the YC-135C, a civilian luxury transport craft,
with very little armor, and a lot of ammenities. It is yet to be seen if this
will occur.

Class/Model/Name:  Yoeman [Transport] YC-135T
Mass:              50 tons

Equipment:                                                              Mass
Power Plant:  150 Turbine                                               11.00
Thrust:  Safe Thrust: 3
      Maximum Thrust: 5
Structural Integrity: 5                                                   .00
VSTOL Equipment:                                                         2.50
Total Heat Sinks:    0 Single                                             .00
Fuel:                                                                    5.00
Cockpit, Avionics & Attitude Thrusters:                                  5.00
Armor Type:  Standard  (48 total armor pts)                              3.00
                           Standard Scale Armor Pts
   Location:                            L / R
   Nose:                                 16
   Left/Right Wings:                  12/12
   Aft:                                   8

Weapons and Equipment      Loc        SRV    MRV    LRV    ERV  Heat    Mass
1 Cargo                                                                 23.50
TOTALS:                                                     Heat: 0     50.00
Tons Left:                                                                .00

Calculated Factors:
Total Cost:        292,500 C-Bills
Battle Value:      187
Cost per BV:       1,564.17
Weapon Value:      0 (Ratio = .00)
Damage Factors:    SRV = 0;  MRV = 0;  LRV = 0;  ERV = 0
BattleForce2:      MP: 3,  Armor/Structure: 1 / 0
                   Damage PB/M/L: -/-/-,  Overheat: 0
                   Class: FM;  Point Value: 2

                    AeroTech 2 Vessel Technical Readout

Class/Model/Name:  Yoeman [Infantry] YC-135IT
Tech:              Inner Sphere / 3025
Vessel Type:       Conventional Fighter
Rules:             Level 1, Custom design
Rules Set:         AeroTech2

Mass:              50 tons
Frame:             Bowie Yoeman
Length:            16 meters
Power Plant:       Rawlings Air Turbine 150 Turbine
Safe Thrust:       3
Maximum Thrust:    5
Armor Type:        StarSlab/11.5 Type HVA Standard
    2 Shannon Six-Shooter SRM 6
Manufacturer:   Pinard Protectorates Limited
  Location:     Perdition / TC (PPL)
Communications System:  Neil 8000
Targeting & Tracking System:  O/P 2500 TGFD
Class/Model/Name:  Yoeman [Infantry] YC-135IT
Mass:              50 tons

Equipment:                                                              Mass
Power Plant:  150 Turbine                                               11.00
Thrust:  Safe Thrust: 3
      Maximum Thrust: 5
Structural Integrity: 5                                                   .00
VSTOL Equipment:                                                         2.50
Total Heat Sinks:    0 Single                                             .00
Fuel:                                                                    5.00
Cockpit, Avionics & Attitude Thrusters:                                  5.00
Armor Type:  Standard  (48 total armor pts)                              3.00
                           Standard Scale Armor Pts
   Location:                            L / R
   Nose:                                 16
   Left/Right Wings:                  12/12
   Aft:                                   8

Weapons and Equipment      Loc        SRV    MRV    LRV    ERV  Heat    Mass
1 SRM 6                    RW           8     --     --     --    0      3.00
1 SRM 6                    LW           8     --     --     --    0      3.00
  Ammo (SRM 6) 30          ---                                           2.00
1 Cargo                                                                  3.50
1 Infantry                                                              12.00
TOTALS:                                                     Heat: 0     50.00
Tons Left:                                                                .00

Calculated Factors:
Total Cost:        627,500 C-Bills
Battle Value:      269
Cost per BV:       2,332.71
Weapon Value:      391 (Ratio = 1.45)
Damage Factors:    SRV = 15;  MRV = 0;  LRV = 0;  ERV = 0
BattleForce2:      MP: 3,  Armor/Structure: 1 / 0
                   Damage PB/M/L: 2/-/-,  Overheat: 0
                   Class: FM;  Point Value: 3

                    AeroTech 2 Vessel Technical Readout

Class/Model/Name:  Yoeman [Bomber] YC-135B
Tech:              Inner Sphere / 3025
Vessel Type:       Conventional Fighter
Rules:             Level 1, Custom design
Rules Set:         AeroTech2

Mass:              50 tons
Frame:             Bowie Yoeman
Length:            16 meters
Power Plant:       Rawlings Air Turbine 150 Turbine
Safe Thrust:       3
Maximum Thrust:    5
Armor Type:        StarSlab/11.5 Type HVA Standard
    8 Voelkers 200 Machine Gun
    2 Delta Dart LRM 5
Manufacturer:   Pinard Protectorates Limited
  Location:     Perdition / TC (PPL)
Communications System:  Neil 8000
Targeting & Tracking System:  O/P 2500 TGFD
Class/Model/Name:  Yoeman [Bomber] YC-135B
Mass:              50 tons

Equipment:                                                              Mass
Power Plant:  150 Turbine                                               11.00
Thrust:  Safe Thrust: 3
      Maximum Thrust: 5
Structural Integrity: 5                                                   .00
VSTOL Equipment:                                                         2.50
Total Heat Sinks:    0 Single                                             .00
Fuel:                                                                    5.00
Cockpit, Avionics & Attitude Thrusters:                                  5.00
Armor Type:  Standard  (48 total armor pts)                              3.00
                           Standard Scale Armor Pts
   Location:                            L / R
   Nose:                                 16
   Left/Right Wings:                  12/12
   Aft:                                   8

Weapons and Equipment      Loc        SRV    MRV    LRV    ERV  Heat    Mass
2 Machine Gun              Nose         2     --     --     --    0      1.00
  Ammo (MG) 100            ---                                            .50
1 LRM 5                    RW           3      3      3     --    0      2.00
1 LRM 5                    LW           3      3      3     --    0      2.00
  Ammo (LRM 5) 48          ---                                           2.00
2 Machine Gun              RW           2     --     --     --    0      1.00
2 Machine Gun              LW           2     --     --     --    0      1.00
  Ammo (MG) 200            ---                                           1.00
2 Machine Gun              Aft          2     --     --     --    0      1.00
  Ammo (MG) 100            ---                                            .50
1 Bomb Bay                                                              11.00
1 Misc                                                                    .50
TOTALS:                                                     Heat: 0     50.00
Tons Left:                                                                .00

Calculated Factors:
Total Cost:        571,250 C-Bills
Battle Value:      230
Cost per BV:       2,483.7
Weapon Value:      383 (Ratio = 1.67)
Damage Factors:    SRV = 20;  MRV = 4;  LRV = 2;  ERV = 0
BattleForce2:      MP: 3,  Armor/Structure: 1 / 0
                   Damage PB/M/L: 2/1/1,  Overheat: 0
                   Class: FM;  Point Value: 2
                   Specials: if

                    AeroTech 2 Vessel Technical Readout
                               * CUSTOM WEAPON

Class/Model/Name:  Yoeman [Fuel] YC-135R
Tech:              Inner Sphere / 3025
Vessel Type:       Conventional Fighter
Rules:             Level 2, Custom design
Rules Set:         AeroTech2

Mass:              50 tons
Frame:             Bowie Yoeman
Length:            16 meters
Power Plant:       Rawlings Air Turbine 150 Turbine
Safe Thrust:       3
Maximum Thrust:    5
Armor Type:        StarSlab/11.5 Type HVA Standard
    3 Refueling Drogue*
Manufacturer:   Pinard Protectorates Limited
  Location:     Perdition / TC (PPL)
Communications System:  Neil 8000
Targeting & Tracking System:  O/P 2500 TGFD
Class/Model/Name:  Yoeman [Fuel] YC-135R
Mass:              50 tons

Equipment:                                                              Mass
Power Plant:  150 Turbine                                               11.00
Thrust:  Safe Thrust: 3
      Maximum Thrust: 5
Structural Integrity: 5                                                   .00
VSTOL Equipment:                                                         2.50
Total Heat Sinks:    0 Single                                             .00
Fuel:                                                                    5.00
Cockpit, Avionics & Attitude Thrusters:                                  5.00
Armor Type:  Standard  (48 total armor pts)                              3.00
                           Standard Scale Armor Pts
   Location:                            L / R
   Nose:                                 16
   Left/Right Wings:                  12/12
   Aft:                                   8

Weapons and Equipment      Loc        SRV    MRV    LRV    ERV  Heat    Mass
3 Refueling Drogue*        Aft         --     --     --     --    0      3.00
20 Cargo, Liquid                                                        20.00
1 Misc                                                                    .50
TOTALS:                                                     Heat: 0     50.00
Tons Left:                                                                .00

Calculated Factors:
Total Cost:        388,750 C-Bills
Battle Value:      187
Cost per BV:       2,078.88
Weapon Value:      0 (Ratio = .00)
Damage Factors:    SRV = 0;  MRV = 0;  LRV = 0;  ERV = 0
BattleForce2:      MP: 3,  Armor/Structure: 1 / 0
                   Damage PB/M/L: -/-/-,  Overheat: 0
                   Class: FM;  Point Value: 2

                    AeroTech 2 Vessel Technical Readout

Class/Model/Name:  Yoeman [MASH] YC-135H
Tech:              Inner Sphere / 3025
Vessel Type:       Conventional Fighter
Rules:             Level 1, Custom design
Rules Set:         AeroTech2

Mass:              50 tons
Frame:             Bowie Yoeman
Length:            16 meters
Power Plant:       Rawlings Air Turbine 150 Turbine
Safe Thrust:       3
Maximum Thrust:    5
Armor Type:        StarSlab/11.5 Type HVA Standard
Armament:          None
Manufacturer:   Pinard Protectorates Limited
  Location:     Perdition / TC (PPL)
Communications System:  Neil 8000
Targeting & Tracking System:  O/P 2500 TGFD
Class/Model/Name:  Yoeman [MASH] YC-135H
Mass:              50 tons

Equipment:                                                              Mass
Power Plant:  150 Turbine                                               11.00
Thrust:  Safe Thrust: 3
      Maximum Thrust: 5
Structural Integrity: 5                                                   .00
VSTOL Equipment:                                                         2.50
Total Heat Sinks:    0 Single                                             .00
Fuel:                                                                    5.00
Cockpit, Avionics & Attitude Thrusters:                                  5.00
Armor Type:  Standard  (48 total armor pts)                              3.00
                           Standard Scale Armor Pts
   Location:                            L / R
   Nose:                                 16
   Left/Right Wings:                  12/12
   Aft:                                   8

Weapons and Equipment      Loc        SRV    MRV    LRV    ERV  Heat    Mass
1 MASH Core                                                              3.50
20 MASH Theater                                                         20.00
TOTALS:                                                     Heat: 0     50.00
Tons Left:                                                                .00

Calculated Factors:
Total Cost:        586,250 C-Bills
Battle Value:      187
Cost per BV:       3,135.03
Weapon Value:      0 (Ratio = .00)
Damage Factors:    SRV = 0;  MRV = 0;  LRV = 0;  ERV = 0
BattleForce2:      MP: 3,  Armor/Structure: 1 / 0
                   Damage PB/M/L: -/-/-,  Overheat: 0
                   Class: FM;  Point Value: 2

Yoeman [Transport] YC-135T.hma
 Filename: Yoeman [Transport] YC-135T.hma 
 Filesize: 9.08 KB 
 Downloaded: 414 Time(s) 

one must work hard to cultivate the mind and body. and one must always cultivate the mind.

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Clan Snow Raven
Galaxy Commander
Galaxy Commander

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PostPosted: 21-Mar-2008 09:17    Post subject: YC-135 Yeoman Reply to topic Reply with quote

Hey thanks Vagabond!!!! Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy YAY! Now I can more accurately make my happy little conventional fighters and such. Though to be honest... I'm feeling inspired to design a tank...
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Mr. Referee
Mr. Referee

Joined: 04-Feb-2002 00:00
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PostPosted: 21-Mar-2008 14:06    Post subject: YC-135 Yeoman Reply to topic Reply with quote

i have always been in your service when it comes to inputting designs or discussing design features.
one must work hard to cultivate the mind and body. and one must always cultivate the mind.

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Draconis Combine

Joined: 18-Nov-2003 00:00
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PostPosted: 21-Mar-2008 16:07    Post subject: YC-135 Yeoman Reply to topic Reply with quote

I like the multi role plane concept. Much like the 737 and 747 planes from Boeing. I like the idea of building bombers in the BT world. I can picture several of these flying into even mech bases in surprise attacks. I would hate to see what a lance of locusts would look like after several of these dropped their full bombs loads on their heads.
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