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Novel Information
Collection: BattleTech
Title: Lethal Heritage
Series: Blood of Kerensky, Volume 1
Author: Michael A. Stackpole
ISBN-10: 1-55560-091-3 
ISBN-13: 978-1-55560-091-4 
Publisher: FASA 
Product ID: 8615 
Copyright: © 1989
Cover Art: Cover Art
©2024 Catalyst Game Labs
Description: They are coming. From beyond the Periphery comes a threat. A military force of unknown origin.

Nothing we have can stop them. Their power, speed, and ferocity are unparalleled. Some of the finest warriors and ablest units have challenged them and failed. No force from the Inner Sphere has faced them and won.

The Clans, An alien juggernaut whose sole reason for being is battle. A race that selectively breeds itself for combat.

Humanity`s only hope is an alliance of mortal enemies. The Federated Commonwealth and the Draconis Combine, interstellar empires at war for 300 years, must now stand side by side or face certain destruction.
First Chapter Date: May 19, 3049
Final Chapter Date: January 12, 3051
Number of Reviews:  3 Write Review
Average Member Rating:  4.50
Member Review - StarRaven : 31-Oct-2004 00:00
0 out of 0 users (0.00%) have found this review useful
Rating: 4.50
Comment: The introduction of everyone's favorite character, Victor "I'm a Weakling" Steiner-Davion. Despite what Victor eventually becomes, this is still a pretty good book. I like the confusion they have as they first fight the Clans, and how the Clans are made out to be very different from the Inner Sphere. This is a distinction not every BsttleTech book manages. It's also interesting to see everyone wonder at the Clans' technology; it really shows how far the Inner Sphere has fallen. The only annoying part is the Clans' terminology - this was before they had everything really set, so you get to hear about Triples instead of Trinaries, as well as a nhumber of other things not really consistent woth the present culture of the Clans. Despite that, this is a pretty good book, with no real negative features.
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Member Review - Wanallo : 03-Aug-2004 00:00
0 out of 0 users (0.00%) have found this review useful
Rating: 4.50
Comment: A good start to the most exiting trilogy in the battletech series. Good early development of some of the key characters and a steady realistic plot all through.
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Member Review - Dodger : 25-Oct-2003 00:00
0 out of 0 users (0.00%) have found this review useful
Rating: 4.50
Comment: A truly well written novel. This was a breath of life to the Btech world that set the stage for an all new set of fans.
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