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                 BattleMech Technical Readout

Name/Model:         Ristar
Designer:           09-Tyba
Source(s):          Custom Mordel.Net Units
Technology:         Clan
Technology Rating:  F
Tonnage:            85
Role:               Juggernaut
Configuration:      Biped BattleMech
Era/Year:           Succession Wars / 2895
Rules (Current):    Standard
Rules (Era):        Standard
Rules (Year):       Standard
Total Cost:         21,528,758 C-Bills
Battle Value:       3,421

Chassis:              Falcon 85-4ES Endo Steel
Power Plant:          FW "FalconWing" 340 XL
Walking Speed:        43.2 kph  
Maximum Speed:        64.8 kph  
Jump Jets:            JF Heavy 
    Jump Capacity:    120 meters
Armor:                StarForge 45A
    4 Talon 5 ER PPCs
    2 Series 7J ER Medium Lasers
Manufacturer:         Eagle Craft Group
    Primary Factory:  Ironhold
Communications:       Model J-C 021
Targeting & Tracking: Hawkeye 34

    Imported from Operation Lancaster By Devin Ramsey. Features the following Design Quirks:
    Extended Torso Twist, Stable; No/Minimal Arms, No Ejection System
    “If the genetic legacy of an Awesome and a Champion were ever to be combined...” is the
    beginning of an old joke shared by many Trueborn Clan warriors when discussing the Ristar
    Assault BattleMech.Clan Jade Falcon learned a great deal in the 2820s while developing the
    Wakazashi Assault BattleMech. They also learned a great many hard lessons regarding the need
    to create machines that are easily serviceable over the years following the Wakazashi’s
    introduction.Taking these lessons to heart, Khan Natalie Buhallin commissioned the creation
    of a new BattleMech type in 2849. When Clan Jade Falcon later unveiled the Ristar Assault
    BattleMech in 2854, it quickly gained popularity among Jade Falcon MechWarriors.Its blend of
    an intelligent design, relatively simple construction, and devastating armament,as well as
    impressive mobility for its eighty-five-ton mass, made this machine an easy choice for
    nearly any combat situation where outright speed was not a high priority. The greatest irony
    regarding the Ristar is that its potent design and successful application in combat resulted
    in its own fade from prominence into near-obscurity.In 2863, when Clan Jade Falcon
    challengedClan Coyote toa Trial of Possession for the Coyotes’new OmniMech technology, the
    Jade Falcons defeated the Coyotes in a battle where the Falcons had bidjust a single Star of
    five BattleMechs against double their number of Coyote machines. Among the Star of
    BattleMechs that Clan Jade Falcon fielded, two of them were none other than
    RistarBattleMechs. Although both were destroyedbeforethe trial’s conclusion,theRistarshad
    between them downed a total of six of the en’Mechs fielded by ClanCoyote.Though once a
    point of pride for Clan Jade Falcon,the Ristarwasused only by aging Solahma MechWarriorsby
    the beginning of the 31st Century, largely becausethe very OmniMech technology that the
    Ristarhad so famously helped the Jade Falcons acquirehadcausedthispowerful BattleMech to
    berendereda second-line machine only. On three occasions,during trials of various types
    whichtook place via’Mechcombat, Freeborn MechWarriorspiloting Ristarshavedefeated Trueborn
    MechWarriors piloting OmniMechs,such as thenewerWarhawk.Rare is it
    thatRistarshavehistorically fallen in honorable combat without circumstances
    significantlyaiding theirfoes.It is unfortunate that thisgreatBattleMech is now so badly
    mistreatedand disrespected by the younger generations of Clan warriors,simply because it was
    created so far ahead of its time. Production of the Ristarbegan to slowly
    declinefollowingthe turn of the 30th Century. Althoughreplacement parts continue to be
    manufacturedto keep all the existing Ristars still in servicemaintained andfully
    operational,production of this venerablewarmachinediscontinued altogether in 2999 with the
    introduction of the WarhawkOmniMech—or “Masakari”,as it has come to be called in
    theInner Sphere

    The thought of being on the receiving end of a Ristar’s fury is enough to cause many of
    even the bravest Clan MechWarriors to flinch. Due to its age and its lack of OmniMech
    technology, the Ristaris oftennot given the respect it rightfully deserves by many of
    today’s Trueborn Clan MechWarriorswhen off the battlefield,but it is rightly feared when
    encountered in combat. The RistarAssault BattleMech is oft directly compared withthe newer
    WarhawkOmniMech that all but replaced it at the turn of the 31st Century. It can be argued
    thatthe Ristaris the more dangerous of the two, thanks to its greater maneuverability and
    cooling capacity, thoughthe Ristardoes haveflaws that the Warhawkdoes not.Many warriors have
    criticized the Ristarover what is perceived as its most significant design flaw: thedecision
    not to installitsprimary weapons in its stubby,winglet-like arms. However, the
    Ristarcompensatesfor thisissueby having anenhanced torso-twist range and a remarkably
    well-engineered gyro assembly.In fashion typical ofTruebornClan warriors, however, the total
    lack of an ejection system seems to be often overlooked entirelywhen discussing the
    Ristar’s flaws.The original/standard Ristar’s primary armament is itsquartet
    ofTalon-5-SeriesExtendedRange Particle ProjectorCannons,which are installedin pairs in the
    side torsos. Meanwhile,twinExtended Range Medium Lasersare installed in the center torsoto
    serve as secondary weapons. Even with a remarkable total of twenty-six double heat sinks,the
    Ristartends to run hot under most combat conditionswhen pushed. As withthe AWS-9Q
    Awesomethat its armament so closely resembles, itsER PPCs are bestused with a 4-3-4-3
    staggered firing pattern. Despite the limitations of its cooling system, the Ristarcan
    savage even the toughest of opponentsquite quickly.With its fourteen-tonshellofStarforge 45A
    Standard Armor, the Ristaris not necessarily the toughest’Mechofitseighty-five-tonweight
    class,but it is certainly durable. The Ristarfeatures a very respectable
    groundspeed,courtesy ofits powerful 340-rated ExtraLight Fusion Engine,and it boasts an
    ability that most Clanassault ’Mechs of its eradid not: the ability to jump. As a result,
    theRistar’s120-meter jump range initially caught out many an opponent due to
    unfamiliaritywith the design.However,the distinctively shapedRistarhas longsince lost any
    suchelement of surprise.

    Defined as a second-line BattleMech in the current view of the Clans, the Ristaris
    unfortunately a machinethat is rarely deployed in the 31stCentury. As of 3064,it is unknown
    how many Ristarsare still in service. Speculation has placed the number to be as few as one
    hundred intact and functional examples of this venerable BattleMech remainingin
    operation—the majority of which most are certainly in service ofClan Jade Falcon. However,
    a handful ofRistarshave been reported to be operating within the Toumans of Clans Wolf, Snow
    Raven,and even Hell’s Horses. These examples were presumably taken as isorla
    followingvictorious Trials during the 29thand30th Centuries

    Ristar 2 –The second version of the Ristar Assault BattleMech, which was introduced in
    2858,is a remarkably simple modification to the original. The Ristar 2 trades the Extended
    Range Particle Projector Cannons for Large Pulse Lasers, resulting in a remarkably
    heat-efficient and accurate machine. It lacks the sheer brute firepower of the original
    Ristar, but the Ristar 2 is capable of continuous fire with its entire weapons array, even
    while on the move. Only if using its jump jets while firing every weapon at its disposal
    will aRistar2 begin to slowly build up waste heat that cannot be immediately dissipated.
    (Battle Value: 2,763) Features the following Design Quirks: Extended Torso Twist,
    Stable;No/Minimal Arms, No Ejection System.
    Ristar 3–Introduced in 2867, this variant retains the ER Medium Lasers of the original
    Ristar,but it removes all the ER PPCs,as well as half of the double heat sinks—leaving
    just thirteen housed within the powerplant. The Ristar 3is protected by 11 tons of
    Ferro-Fibrous Armor, resulting in slightly reduced armor protection compared to the original
    design. Most of the reduction in armor is from the arms, as this variant of the Ristar no
    longer has heat sinks in its arms to protect, and the rear center torso’s armor is lightly
    reinforced. A combination of a Large Pulse Laser and a Gauss Rifle is installed into each
    side torso. The Ristar3’s twin Gauss Rifles are fed by a total of four tons of ammunition
    housed in the ’Mech’s thighs.The Ristar 3 was an attempt to create a more heat-neutral
    design,like that of the Ristar 2, while retaining more of the brute firepower that made the
    original Ristar so noteworthy. This variant was met with some apprehension among Clan
    warriors, as it introduced a dependence on ammunition and still had a reduced peak damage
    potential compared to the original design, even if it did reduce the likelihood of
    overheating. The apprehension felt toward the Ristar 3 seems to have been justified, but not
    for the reasons originally believed. During a Trial of Position within Clan Jade Falcon, a
    standard Ristar was pitted against a Ristar 3, and the Ristar 3 was defeated in a single
    salvo. As both ’Mechs exchanged blows, the standard Ristar managed to penetrate both side
    torsos of the Ristar 3 with focused PPC-fire, critically damaging the Gauss Rifles housed in
    its sides. Both Gauss Rifles exploded simultaneously, crippling the reactor instantly and
    leaving the hapless Rista r3 pilot to do nothing but ride out his incapacitated ’Mech’s
    to fall to the ground,and nearly die from a head injury—though he would have no
    recollection of the event whatsoever, as the simultaneous Gauss Rifle explosions knocked him
    unconscious instantly. (Battle Value: 3,094) Features the following Design Quirks: Extended
    Torso Twist, Stable;No/Minimal Arms, No Ejection System

Notable MechWarriors:
    tar Commander Romeo–Ristar“Death’s Talon”: As brutal minded as a Clan Jade Falcon
    warrior could be, Romeo was hardly the romantic individual that people from the Inner Sphere
    may envision when hearing his name. His savagery was only ever outmatched by his bad luck.
    He survived the loss of three ’Mechs during his life, but his final battle occurred in
    2863,during the Trial of Possession for Clan Coyote’s advanced OmniMech technology.Star
    Commander Romeo’s liberal, at times excessive use of jump jets and constant firing of his
    particle cannons left him all but roasting alive inside his overheating Ristar as he claimed
    his fourth kill—only to suddenly blink out of existence as the result from
    anautocannon/20shell striking the head of his machine. His death was instantaneous, his
    triumphant cry of victory over his fourth vanquished opponent suddenly cut short. His
    contributions in helping to forge the might of Clan Jade Falcon lives on in the Remembrance.

Equipment                                                             Mass                      
Internal Structure:                         Endo Steel                 4.50                     
Engine:                                       340 XL                  13.50                     
    Walking MP:                                 4                                               
    Running MP:                                 6                                               
    Jumping MP:                                 4                                               
Heat Sinks (Double):                         26 [52]                  16.00                     
Gyro:                                        Standard                  4.00                     
Cockpit:                                     Standard                  3.00                     
Armor Factor:                                  224                    14.00                     
    Type:                                    Standard                                           

                                    Internal         Armor     
                                    Structure        Value     
    Head:                               3              9       
    Center Torso:                      27             38       
    Center Torso (rear):                              13       
    R/L Torso:                         18             28       
    R/L Torso (rear):                                  8       
    R/L Arm:                           14             20       
    R/L Leg:                           18             26       

Weapons and Ammo                                       Location          Critical     Tonnage   
2 ER Medium Lasers                                        CT                2          2.00             
2 ER PPCs                                                 RT                4         12.00             
2 Jump Jets                                               RT                2          2.00             
2 ER PPCs                                                 LT                4         12.00             
2 Jump Jets                                               LT                2          2.00             

Alpha Strike Statistics                                             
Point Value (PV): 50
TP: BM,  SZ: 4,  TMM: 1,  MV: 8"j
Damage: (S) 6 / (M) 6 / (L) 6,  OV: 2
Armor (A): 7,  Structure (S): 5
Specials: ENE