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                 BattleMech Technical Readout

Name/Model:         Sekhmet ((Denise's Mech)) SK-M3T
Designer:           The Grand Poobah
Source(s):          Custom Mordel.Net Units
Technology:         Inner Sphere
Technology Rating:  E
Tonnage:            70
Configuration:      Biped BattleMech
Era/Year:           Civil War / 3067
Rules (Current):    Standard
Rules (Era):        Standard
Rules (Year):       Standard
Total Cost:         13,437,083 C-Bills
Battle Value:       1,542

Chassis:              Endo Steel
Power Plant:          VOX 280 XL
Walking Speed:        43.2 kph  
Maximum Speed:        64.8 kph  
Jump Jets:            None
    Jump Capacity:    None
Armor:                Standard
    2 Donal PPCs
    2 Federated 10-Shot LRM 10s
    2 Harpoon-6 SRM 6s
    2 Martell Medium Lasers
    2 Magna Small Lasers
Manufacturer:         Unknown
    Primary Factory:  Unknown
Communications:       Unknown
Targeting & Tracking: Unknown

    In the aftermath of the Amaunet fiasco, General Motors went to great effort to hide its
    duplicity from the Federated Commonwealth units on Kathil. In the scramble to erase traces
    of the battlemech - and the massacre - before curious troops arrived, GM did not have the
    resources to prevent the escape of its pilot and designer, Alexis
    Karisen. Having found the empty ejection pod, they simply could not spare the manpower to
    both hunt down the "lunatic" and cover up their "experiment". Karisen escaped off-world -
    under the unlikely alias of a mental patient bound for New Avalon pending treatment. Within
    a year she had made her way to the Kallon Industries offices on Talon and repeated her
    meteoric rise through the ranks of her newly chosen corporation.
    The driving force behind her second coming was the relentless promotion of her latest design
    theory. Her confidence bolstered by her successful completion (if not mass-deployment) of
    the Amaunet, a Marauder-Catapult hybrid after the Clan Mad Cat, Karisen boasted that she was
    inspired to create newer, more original battlemech crossbreeds. So it was that she came to
    pitch the Sekhmet, a cross between Kallon's own Crusader and the ever-popular Warhammer.
    While the look of the completed battlemech is closer to that of the Warhammer than the
    Crusader, the former design is such a staple across the Sphere that Kallon faced little
    difficulty in replicating the components. Seeing their opportunity to cash in on the
    celebrity of a competitor's mech as well as renew interest in their own not-unpopular
    product, Kallon spared no expense in supporting the project. Indeed, so great was their
    interest that they even gave in to Karisen's demand for completely pristine study models,
    digging deeply into corporate pockets to find an original Crusader and Warhammer that had
    never seen combat.
    The project did suffer the usual oddities surrounding an Alexis Karisen undertaking, not
    least of which was the clearing of an entire battlemech hangar for undisclosed purposes. It
    was later discovered through declassified security camera footage that the designer was
    throwing a romantic dinner (complete with music and candlelight) for
    the Crusader and Warhammer, which she had christened
    "Mommy" and "Daddy," respectively.

    Armed with the Warhammer's trademark twin PPCs and the distinctive shoulder/hip missile
    ports of the Crusader, Sekhmet is capable of a withering barrage at long or short range. A
    modest laser array rounds out the ensemble. The initial plans of the battlemech mounted
    full-sized LRM-15s, but these caused such severe balance issues that they
    had to be downsized despite Karisen's efforts to the contrary. Earlier in the project the
    eccentric "genius" had also railed against the use of an extra-light engine, but ultimately
    could find no other way to safely power the 70-ton behemoth. As a result the Sekhmet has a
    reactor shielding vulnerability that Alexis herself found particularly distasteful.
    Perhaps these and other design problems could have been solved if several promising
    engineers had not been critically injured in a regrettable incident wherein an AMS unit was
    apparently reprogrammed as an "anti-insect device". Although nothing was ever conclusively
    proven, when questioned as to who might be responsible the Project Leader simply muttered
    "damned fly."

    For once not hiding her fairly respectable piloting skills from her employers, the
    charismatic project leader was granted the option of demonstrating the freshly completed
    prototype for upper-echelon members of Kallon Industries' hierarchy. While undoubtedly an
    entertaining repeat of the Amaunet incident may have been in the offing, this was not to be.
    The evening before the demonstration, Kallon Security was flooded with reports of fires,
    explosions, and intruder alerts. Communications with nearby military bases were cut; several
    of Kallon's own battlemechs suffered extensive computer troubles, gyroscope failures, and
    spontaneous shutdowns. One JagerMech painted a bizarre one-eyed smiley face over its HUD,
    refusing to obey piloting input for a good ten minutes before autoejecting its mechwarrior
    (with the Betty unit reportedly offering the cryptic admonition to "take the blue pill", no
    less). Planetary sensors reported phantom signals of jumpships disgorging dropships, ships
    lifting off from the surface, enemy aerospace fighters swarming through the skies.
    Files and data relating to Project Sekhmet spontaneously erased themselves from Kallon
    computers; backups proved corrupt. Engineers and prominent workers associated with the
    project simply disappeared into the night - some with no signs of struggle, others only
    panicky reports of sighting black-clad jump infantry. And some time during this total chaos,
    the Sekhmet prototype physically pummeled the pilotless, defenseless, priceless "Daddy"
    Warhammer and "Mommy" Crusader into unrecognizable scrap, itself vanishing entirely in the
    By the time order was restored, all that was left of the ambitious and potentially
    profitable Project Sekhmet was a note addressed to the ranking Kallon executive:
    "With two LRM-10s, two SRM racks, two small lasers, two mediums, two PPC.. two turtle doves
    and a partridge in a pear tree... I am Sekhmet. Goddess of warfare and divine retribution."
    The current whereabouts of Dr. Alexis Karisen and her prototype are unknown.

Equipment                                                             Mass                      
Internal Structure:                         Endo Steel                 3.50                     
Engine:                                       280 XL                   8.00                     
    Walking MP:                                 4                                               
    Running MP:                                 6                                               
    Jumping MP:                                 0                                               
Heat Sinks (Double):                         13 [26]                   3.00                     
Gyro:                                        Standard                  3.00                     
Cockpit:                                     Standard                  3.00                     
Armor Factor:                                  200                    12.50                     
    Type:                                    Standard                                           

                                    Internal         Armor     
                                    Structure        Value     
    Head:                               3              9       
    Center Torso:                      22             30       
    Center Torso (rear):                              11       
    R/L Torso:                         15             22       
    R/L Torso (rear):                                  8       
    R/L Arm:                           11             20       
    R/L Leg:                           15             25       

Weapons and Ammo                                       Location          Critical     Tonnage   
LRM 10 (Ammo 12)                                          RT                1          1.00             
Medium Laser                                              RT                1          1.00             
SRM 6 (Ammo 15)                                           RT                1          1.00             
Small Laser                                               RT                1          0.50             
LRM 10 (Ammo 12)                                          LT                1          1.00             
Medium Laser                                              LT                1          1.00             
SRM 6 (Ammo 15)                                           LT                1          1.00             
Small Laser                                               LT                1          0.50             
LRM 10                                                    RA                2          5.00             
PPC                                                       RA                3          7.00             
LRM 10                                                    LA                2          5.00             
PPC                                                       LA                3          7.00             
SRM 6                                                     RL                2          3.00             
SRM 6                                                     LL                2          3.00             

Alpha Strike Statistics                                             
Point Value (PV): 40
TP: BM,  SZ: 3,  TMM: 1,  MV: 8"
Damage: (S) 4 / (M) 4 / (L) 4,  OV: 2
Armor (A): 7,  Structure (S): 3
Specials: IF1, SRM1/1